Covid Concerns - A Holistic Health Symposium

Because there is A LOT of corruption going on right now surrounding this pathogen that also goes by the name of C O V I D.

It’s not just the pathogen we will be discussing, though.

In fact, we will spend a good amount of our time talking about the protocols that are being pushed on patients that are going to the hospital should they end up contracting the pathogen.

Health care professionals such as Dr. Huang who has treated over 1,000 Covid patients and has yet to lose a single one, Dr. Jay who teaches simple but profound habits of health, Dr. Moger who has over 30 years of chiropractic practice & Nicole Wilkerson who is a ayurvedic practitioner will discuss with you what is *actually* going on inside the hospitals as well as what you can do before, during & after coming down with symptoms should you choose not to utilize hospital facilities. We’ll also be learning about medical directives (ie having the ability to keep control of making your own decisions or the decisions of a loved one) from Sabrina Max. And then Joshua Coleman from V is for Vaccine will be closing us out strong with some tips & tricks on how to organize a protest if you’re sick of what’s going on in your community and really want to make a stand for change!

Location: Action Academy Placer
924 Vernon Street
Roseville , CA

Date: Nov. 12, 2021, midnight - Nov. 12, 2021, 3 a.m.