D49 Board Meeting

Attend: District 49 encourages all members of its family, including students, parents, staff and residents to stay involved in the governing process by attending meetings. During regular monthly meetings, anyone may address the Board of Directors during an open forum, based on the structure of Policy BEDH. 

Open Forum: District 49 Board of Education directors want to hear from their community. Public Comment sign up will now be done through the Google form on the iPad.  Stakeholders must be present to sign up to speak.

The Board shall limit the length of each public comment participation to thirty (30) minutes and limit the length of individual comments to two (2) minutes.

For the 1st, 30 minute Public Comment section of the meeting, all comments must be relevant to Action or Discussion Items on that meeting’s agenda.

To ensure that we hear from a variety of participants in board meetings, priority should be given to speakers who have not addressed the board publicly within the prior month.

Location: D49 Administration Building
3850 Pony Tracks Dr.
Colorado Springs , CA 80922

Date: Nov. 9, 2023, 6:30 p.m. - Nov. 9, 2023, 11 p.m.