Parliament Building  


Needs Immediate Attention!

Wilson County School Board Meeting June 3, 2024 at 6pm. Agenda here


We simply cannot afford to keep silent on this. If you have concerns about 1500+ page Title IX updates that are scheduled to take effect August 1, 2024, today is a great day to write a letter or email to your School Board Rep!

There will be a $10,750 Title IX University Training Contract (pages 1-17) included on Monday's consent agenda. In the contract, it says. "Our unparalleled expertise comes from years of active experience and is invaluable in light of the new 2024 Title IX regulations." "We empower your organization with the knowledge and tools you need for compliance with Title IX and gender equity." 

Ask your School Board Representative if they plan to receive outsourced supprt such as an Interim Title IX Coordinator or an Interim Complaince Officer as mentioned in the contract. 

The Title IX University Contract goes on to say that it will include an outsourced interim compliance officer to, "ensure your district adheres to all regulatory requirements even where your in-house compliance role is vacant."

Parental rights are on the line now more than ever.

Will you make the time to say something to your school board representative before Monday?

If you're pressed for time, feel free to use our template or the Parents Defending Education template.

Here is what we know about the Title IX updates:

Title IX now requires:

that schools treat students who suffer, or claim to suffer, from gender dysphoria as though they were the opposite sex.

that a male student who identifies as a female must be allowed access to facilities designated for females such as bathrooms or locker rooms and to participate in women's sports and organizations.

teachers and students must refer to a gender dysphoric child by her preferred pronouns and alternative name.

that no formal documentation be required to affirm gender identity. Additionally, if the administration has not provided a clear definition of gender identity, a male student could easily switch between identifying as male or female.

Other Title IX repercussions include:

that when a female student opposes having a male on a team or in an organization intended only for women, or who feels uncomfortable sharing a locker room with a male, the female in opposition may now not only incur social stigma, but also the possibility of legal repercussions for her school, team, or organization.

that while Title IX does not strictly require transitioning be kept secret from parents, in the event of a conflict between Title IX and the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), key words like “sex-based harassment” and “hostile environment sex-based harassment” overrides FERPA, thus opening the door to conceal the transitioning process.

Visit our website for more information about Title IX and what you can do at the local, state and federal level.

 Also on the agenda for Monday...

See the Vogue Tower proposal for both Mt. Juliet Middle School and Wilson Central High School. These contracts are said to be longer than 30 years. 

See the map for all cell towers currently in Wilson County. The green pins are the cell towers. The blue pins are Wilson County Schools. You will see that our district has already approved previous cell tower contracts.

As you can see above, we already have one tower 495 feet/151 meters away from MJHS.

Proximity matters. The New Hampshire commission looked at a number of studies to see where cell towers were located in proximity to where people were, and determinedsafer distance begins at 1640 feet/500 meters.

RFR is a type of non-ionizing radio waves and microwaves at the low-energy end of the electromagnetic spectrum. There has been no safety testing done by the telecom industry for RFR exposures over time, aggregate effects of RFR, and power levels of these towers.

Did you know the Environmental Health Trust filed a lawsuit against the Federal Communications Commission for failing to consider 11,000 pages of evidence submitted that showed evidence of biological harm, including a statement by the American Pediatric Society?

The FCC was ordered to revisit their 1996 standards by the DC Circuit Court of Appeals but they have yet to do so. It was said that, “The FCC standards are so high, it’s like having a speed limit of 500 miles per hour."

Take some time to go over the final report study The Environmental and Health Effects of Evolving 5G Technology from New Hampshire.

Watch this timely podcast for more details on conerns over school district cell tower contracts.


We want to give a special thank you to Jenny DeMarco and Virginians for Safe Technology for helping us to get this research out to the public.

What can YOU do about the cell towers on Wilson County Schools property?

Ask your School Board Representative to make a motion and/or reject item 11.11, the Vogue Towers proposal for towers at Mt. Juliet Middle School and Wilson Central High School.

If your Representative is not considering a “no”, ask them to consider postponing the vote until there is more information from independent experts prior to taking any further action on this issue.

Ask your Representative to schedule a presentation by Dr. Kent Chamberlin and/or arrange for consultations for those who would like to speak further with an INDEPENDENT expert.

School Board Meeting June 3 @ 6pm


Watch the live stream here.

Form to request to speak here.


Carrie Pfeiffer - Zone 1

[email protected]

Dr. Beth Meyers - Zone 2

[email protected]

Melissa Lynn - Zone 3

[email protected]

Joseph Padilla - Zone 4

[email protected]

Larry Tomlinson - Zone 5

[email protected]

Kim McGee - Zone 6

[email protected]

Jamie Farough - Zone 7

[email protected]