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1st Amendment rights of Wisconsin mom and conservative activist

The Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty (WILL) has filed an appeal on behalf of Scarlett Johnson, a Wisconsin Moms for Liberty Activist, who is being sued for defamation for criticizing her school district on social media for employing a “social justice coordinator.” 

WILL filed this appeal because Ms. Johnson’s posts are protected by the First Amendment. She should not have to endure a costly, pointless, and incoherent jury trial. WILL Deputy Counsel, Luke Berg, stated, “The case against Ms. Johnson should have been promptly dismissed. She was expressing her opinion, and the First Amendment gives her the right to do so. We hope the Court of Appeals allows her to appeal to avoid a misguided trial.”   

Scarlet Johnson, stated, “We have a right to free speech in this country and no one should be treated differently under the law because of their political beliefs. I am hopeful that we can establish what is a clear protection of the 1st Amendment.”