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Carroll County Moms for Liberty Champion Parental Rights and Protecting Child Innocence on Kim Klacik Radio Show

In a powerful radio interview on the Kim Klacik Radio Show, Moms for Liberty, represented by Kit Hart, Chair of the Carroll County chapter, and Jessica Garland, Vice Chair, discussed their recent attendance at the organization’s national summit in Philadelphia and their efforts to remove age-inappropriate books from Carroll County public school libraries. 

Hart described the Mom’s for Liberty summit as “fantastic”, which included five presidential candidates emphasizing their unwavering commitment to the protection of parental rights in America.

“We were there with about 650 joyful warriors from across the country. We call ourselves Joyful Warriors because we fight like hell with a smile on our face. And it was phenomenal”, Hart explained to Klacik.

The Mom’s for Liberty movement has gained significant momentum, boasting an impressive network of 300 chapters across 45 states with a staggering membership of over 120,000, which notably includes devoted fathers. 

Together, Hart and Garland are currently spearheading a vital project to remove inappropriate books from Carroll County Public Schools.

Garland shared with Klack their discovery of 50 books containing pornographic content, including explicit descriptions of rape and sex. The chapter used, an informative website that provides invaluable insights into the content of books found in schools. 

“I’ll just point out that the only criteria that we used to consider one of these books is that the book contains pornographic content.  So it’s either textual context or literal graphic descriptions. Pictures of really graphic sex or rape. So each and every single one of these 50 books contains rape or sex very graphically.”

The disturbing findings have fueled the moms’ resolve to safeguard the innocence of children and prevent their exposure to adult themes at an early age. 

Taking a localized approach, Moms for Liberty is initiating their efforts at the school board level, where they have received encouraging support for greater parent involvement in shaping their children’s education. 

“We actually are starting local because, believe it or not, we love our school board. They are for parent involvement. They are taking this very seriously”, said Hart.

Several listeners called in to the Kim Klacik show to express their support for the local Moms for Liberty chapter. One such caller vocalized her support for Hart and the Moms for Liberty chapter, and passionately shared her fight against the controversial Common Core curriculum. 

“This is a fight that I’ve been fighting for many years. And it started with Common Core and these seeds of sexuality started way back then and the books were in there, and I tried to fight with that, but it’s really coming down to parents falling asleep at the wheel and they don’t get involved.”

Klacik ended the interview praising Hart and Garland.  

“I really appreciate you guys coming here live in studio…I’m a mom myself, and I know how hard we work, and I know that we’re able to multitask. But not only that, I think it’s great that there’s so many women leading the charge here, because I think it’s time for that, and I’m not all about like, oh, it’s got to be inclusive with women and this person and that person. I just love to see people that get out there and do things that are not usually in politics.”

The Moms for Liberty Carroll County has an upcoming chapter meeting on September 21, featuring guest speaker James Lindsay, the host of New Discourses and author of several books that explore the topics of marxism and CRT in public schools.