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Parents must fight on together against the sexualization of young children in public schools

Scarlett Johnson gets emotional at how far-left hatred made her want to quit her battle against the sexualization of young children in public schools – and how her Marine father’s unyielding belief in her made her fight on. 

It’s now her own urgent exhortation to other parents: Fight on. 

“In that moment, I learned that we all, in our own small way in our own small corner of the world, we have the chance to be brave,” she told a parents rally last week in Wisconsin. “We have the opportunity to make a difference. All we have to do is take the chance. And if we do, we will be forever changed.” 

Johnson, a Wisconsin county chair for grassroots group Moms for Liberty, was one of several battle-scarred parents and their foot soldiers who spoke at the July 25 rally in the Milwaukee area on the future of K-12 education nationally. The event was hosted by the Herzog Foundation, purveyor of The Lion, in conjunction with the American Federation for Children and No Left Turn in Education. 

Read the full article here.