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‘It’s Not Appropriate’: Parents Call Out School Board For Refusing To Let Students Opt-Out Of Gender Identity Lessons

Maryland parents are pushing back against a school board that is refusing to let them opt their child out of lessons on gender identity and sexual orientation.

In an effort to promote “inclusive” classrooms, Montgomery County Public Schools alerted parents in a March 23 email that they would no longer be notifying parents of gender identity lessons through letters, and that parents would be unable to opt their children out of any instruction, excluding a sexual education class. More than 70 parents showed up to the Montgomery County School Board meeting on Tuesday, saying such lessons violate their religious beliefs and that they have a right to have a say in their child’s education, they told the Daily Caller News Foundation.

“None of us have asked for the books to be removed. None of us,” Allie Altobelli, a Montgomery County Public Schools parent, told the DCNF. “We are just asking for what is fair and equitable and our own constitutional right to be able to have religious freedom and opt-out of something that goes against not only my Christian beliefs, but also the Jewish religion, the Muslims. There’s so many people who are not okay with this.”

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