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Mom Reads Shocking Excerpts from Book Found in Local High School

A Harris County, Texas mom took to the microphone at a local school board meeting last week to blast a pornographic and highly disturbing book found in the district’s high schools – a book that includes explicit descriptions of sex including oral sex and masturbation, abortion scenes, and even references to fantasies about performing sex acts with Jesus.

Denise Bell, a Harris County mom who also serves as the chapter chairwoman for Moms For Liberty, an anti-porn-in-schools parent activist group, took the podium to advocate against pornographic, sexually explicit materials in public school libraries.

“This is not about book banning at all. It’s about age-appropriate material being in front of our children,” she explained, pointing out that any of the books parents are seeking to have removed from tax-funded school libraries can be bought elsewhere or found at the local library (fact check: true).

Bell then read excerpts from a book called “What Girls Are Made Of” by Elana K. Arnold, a coming-of-age novel about an abused and neglected 16-year-old girl’s experiences with love and sex and which Bell said is available to students at two area high schools.

Fair warning: it’s every bit as disturbing as you might imagine. And it’s available to your kids.