The Latest Locally
- School Board Elections May 2023
- There are 3 board seats up for re-election- Brian Lehne, Natalie Bowman & Kerrine Herber
- M4L-GC WILL be endorsing in this race, holding debates/forums, block walking. etc...
- We will only endorse candidates that vow to STOP the sexualization and indoctrination of FISD children. For nearly a year, parents have been begging board members and FISD administrators to remove sexually graphic books, remove CRT and stop spending tens of thousands of dollars on DEI (diverisity, equity, inclusion) instructional materials that cause racial division of our children.
- Parents do not feel respected and do not feel like partners with FISD. If you are running for FISD school board and would like M4L to endorse you, email [email protected]
- LOTS more to come, but we need your help! Please donate today:https://secure.anedot.com/moms-for-liberty-gillespie-county/27f17bf1-1f85-4d64-a1a6-68f0d6a04c7a
- M4L is a 501c4 non-profit but your donations are not tax deductible. This allows us to help in political campaigns.
- Mail checks (made out to Moms for Liberty) to MSSA P.O. 2953 FBG, Tx 78624
- SHAC Meeting 2/22/23
- The SHAC (Student Health Advisory Council) is holding a quarterly meeting and we need you there! FISD is attempting to bring Communities In Schools into our district again. In October, the community was able to express enough concern about CIS's woke, progressive agenda, CIS pulled out of the contract with FISD. More information coming soon, but please put this date on your calendar because we need the community to show up. Check out CIS here in a previous email sent to the community: https://gem.godaddy.com/p/60b4e41
- Sexually Explicit, Gender Theory & CRT Library Books- UPDATE
- M4L Chapter Chair, Tara Petsch, has filed 3 grievances to remove over 3 dozen sexually explict & graphic, CRT and gender theory library books in FISD's elementary, middle and high schools after the book review committee voted to keep them available to minors in our schools. She has also filed a grievance to dissolve the current progressively biased book review committee because of their outspokeness and votes to keep sexually graphic books available to minor children.
- Hindering transparency, FISD Superintendent, Dr. Rodriguez, has combined all 4 grievances into just ONE hearing. Appealing 3 dozen books and proving the bias of the current book review committee is not easy in one hearing. This is just another instance of FISD administration silencing and hiding parents' concerns.
- FISD has not given Ms.Petsch a date to present her grievances to the school board, but once they announce it, an email will be sent to you. Please show up for this very important hearing. Next month will mark ONE YEAR that parents have been trying to get these age-inappropriate books out of FISD schools. We need you there.
- This will be the day that school board trustees will vote to keep these books in FISD schools or remove them for being pervasively vulgar and age-inappropriate. See the books here and judge for yourself: https://makeschoolssafeagain.com/library-books
- There's been a bit of confusion regarding the 10 previously permanently removed sexually explicit books from FISD being brought back into the district. Make no mistake: when a school board member tells you "don't worry, they aren't in rotation or available to students." That is not the point. They were PERMANENTLY removed last March. Five board members voted to bring them BACK into our district. They should have never done that. Only Mr. Seidenberger and Mr. Lehne voted to not bring the 10 books back for another review. The other 5 board members want these 10 sexually explicit books to be reviewed by the very biased book review committee that is voting to keep virtually all sexually explicit books in our schools.
- FISD Silencing Parents
- Last May, Dr. Rodriguez consulted with an attorney to create new procedures for public comment at board meetings.
- The new unconstitutional policy only allows the community to speak on agenda items that Dr. Rodriguez chooses. Do you think sexually explicit library books are on the agenda? NO. What about CRT? NO.
- Mr. Cornett, Ms. Herber, Ms. Bowman, Mr. Edwards and Mr. Campbell voted to approve this unconstitutional policy presented by Dr. Rodriguez. We want to assume that these board trustees did not understand how implementing such a policy would further hinder the trust of the community. We are asking for the school board to hold another vote and hear from the community. No lawyers.
- Chaper Chair, Tara Petsch, has filed a grievance because at this month's board meeting, Dr. Rodriguez and the board would not allow her to speak on a listed agenda item: Dr. Rodriguez's contract. Why would the board not want to hear from the community regarding the Superintendent's contract?
- Dr Rodriguez initially had a 3 year contract, but the school board extended it last April (before one year working in FISD) and now trustees awarded him another updated contract 9 months later.
- Public comments are only 30 minutes a month. FISD must do better and listen to the community. Be transparent.
- New Reporting Site for Parents
- M4L-GC has been receiving reports of questionable content, incidents and activities. If you want help with your parental rights and/or report something anonymously, you can use this link: https://momsforliberty.org/forms/gillespie-county-tx-schools-reporting/
- Parents must not be afraid to speak up for their children. We are stronger together. M4L is committed to full transparency.
- This week, M4L-GC will ask FISD for more information on concerning issues reported to us. We respectfully ask Dr. Rodriguez to send out letters to parents informing us of incidents that we have the right to know about. Most superintendents do this to shut down the rumor mill.
- M4L Gillespie County is helping host a food drive for our local food pantry. Can you help our FISD parents?

We can only win these battles for our kids if we work together. The easiest way to support us is to become a member. If you can join us as a voting chapter member, it's only $25/year! That is fundraising money for us to hold events, purchase advertisements, endorse strong school board candidates, and much more! Please consider joining us as a member today! https://forms.gle/khm3ZmyKUny1N3X97
Or make a donation to help us get the right candidates in office, travel back and forth to Austin to pass pro-parental rights legislation and support the M4L-GC executive leadership team. https://secure.anedot.com/moms-for-liberty-gillespie-county/27f17bf1-1f85-4d64-a1a6-68f0d6a04c7a
You can email us and let us know how you can help, too. Do you own a restaurant or other facility that we can use to host events? Do you have speaker recommendations? Can you donate food or other items for our meetings? Please let us know!
The Latest Education NEWS
The Marxification Of Education | Guest: James Lindsay |
Tiffany is joined by James Lindsay, author, mathematician, podcaster, and founder of New Discourses, to discuss the rise of radical education in our schools systems. We start were it all began in the 1900s with Paulo Freire and his Marxist education philosophy. James then explains how this philosophy has crept into the American education system, how we can spot it … [More Info]
DeSantis tackles divisive ‘diversity, equity, and inclusion’ programs on college campuses |
The average American university has more than 45 individuals with jobs devoted to promoting so-called diversity, equity, and inclusion. DEI programs push divisive identity politics as well as distorted narratives about American history. But Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ administration is once again leading on this issue, taking a first step in clamping down on these counterproductive positions and administrative bloat. … [More Info]
American Values Belong in School Libraries |
On today's episode, we're joined by Catherine Rahimian of the Moms For Liberty Foundation. She's spearheading one of our programs called Moms For Libraries, which aims to place books that teach civics, history and American values in school libraries to benefit present and future generations. Today, we're discussing the dire circumstances our school's libraries are in (16% of California … [More Info]
There is No Such Thing as a Transgender Child |
On today’s episode, we’re joined by Chris Elston, popularly known as Billboard Chris the activist against gender ideology, to discuss the dangers of affirming a child’s gender. We discuss how Chris became Billboard Chris and started his fight against gender ideology; what it means to “affirm your child’s gender”; how gender ideology is a dangerous cult that’s indoctrinating our … [More Info]
Conservatives Scored Massive Victories In The Battle Over Education In 2022 |
In 2022, conservatives flipped dozens of school boards across the county, enacting conservative priorities and amending school policies to increase transparency in the classroom. Moms for Liberty, an organization of conservative parents and school board candidates working towards parental rights in education, and the 1776 Project PAC,a political group that helps school board members against Critical Race Theory (CRT) get … [More Info]
Thank you for your time. Please pray for our children, school leadership and our district staff.
