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Local Chapter of National Grassroots Movement Responds to Public Statements Made by Lawmaker Against Parental Involvement in their Children’s Schools

ERIE, PA (November 4, 2022) – Parental demands of involvement and defending boundaries in education appeared to have frustrated incumbent and candidate for Pennsylvania State Representative Ryan Bizzarro (D).

In an October 28 interview on TalkErie* with local radio host Joel Natalie, Rep. Bizzarro was asked the following question: “What is the role of parents in public education?”  Bizzarro’s response was as follows [emphasis ours]:

“...if they have a legitimate concern, they should go address it with the school administrator, the teacher, or the superintendent. You know, I was never afraid to talk to a parent when I worked in the City of Erie School District. What I do think is unacceptable is you have some of these malcontents who go to meetings week after week doing nothing but causing problems for school board members, school administrators, with gripes that aren’t even legitimate at this point. They’re just wasting time and taxpayer resources and they’re quite frankly, in my opinion, they’re just a drain. They’re a drain on communities and honestly, they should be ignored accordingly. People are there to do a job and they can’t do their job if you’re making up scenarios in your mind trying to paint them as a bad guy. It’s just- it’s not acceptable. People need to be able to do their jobs and do the jobs that the voters elected them to do.”
* Source:

Bizzarro asserted in the interview, “... It’s people looking for attention because they either didn’t get it when they were a child or they’re not getting it at home, period. That’s all that it is… don’t even pay attention to those people.

Bizzarro voted against allowing parents to view school curriculum online with a NO vote on HB 1332 in December 2021. **

“Parents were consistently ignored regardless of how parents chose to communicate with their school boards,” said Samantha Lupher, Chapter Chair of Moms for Liberty – Erie County PA. “Not only are we not going to budge when it comes to our children, the Due Process Clause of the Fourth Amendment of the Constitution protects this FUNDAMENTAL right of parents to direct the care, upbringing, and education of their child. We know them best, consistently have their best interest at heart, and will move mountains to protect them,”

Lupher added, “Those that you refer to as ‘malcontents’ that needed more attention from their parents and/or currently from their spouses, refuse to be ignored any longer by you or any other elected official.  If you don’t want to listen to your constituents and suggest that other public officials do the same, maybe it’s time you step out of public service.”

Soon after the interview, American Federation for Children senior fellow Corey DeAngelis posted screenshots of the interview transcript on Twitter. Fox News picked up the story on November 3. Ŧ

Several high-profile elections in Pennsylvania, including governor and US Senate, are up for grabs on Election Day, Tuesday November 8. Bizzarro is running for re-election in Pennsylvania’s 3rd Legislative District, which includes Fairview and Millcreek Townships.

** Source:

Ŧ Source: 

Moms for Liberty works to empower parents and are committed to holding elected leaders accountable while  also focusing on preserving crucial, founding principles of our nation: limited government, personal responsibility, and individual liberty.

Moms for Liberty has already been successful in achieving results in their growing movement that is sweeping
across the nation while working to recapture the rights that many parents feel are under constant attack. If you’re interested in joining the local chapter, find us on Facebook at Moms for Liberty - Erie County, PA; the national Moms for Liberty page; or on our website at