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Moms for Liberty calls for U.S. citizenship test requirement for students to graduate high school

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – Moms for Liberty is calling for all public high school graduates across the country be required to take a U.S. Citizenship test in order to graduate high school.

Moms for Liberty National Co-Founder Tiffany Justice told Florida’s Voice each chapter of Moms for Liberty has a legislative committee who sends a liaison to their state legislative committee where members come together to discuss what they’d like to see happen in their state.

Moms for Liberty’s call for the citizenship test requirement is first being introduced in North Carolina as the state is heading into its legislative session, where the legislation for a civics requirement will be discussed. The legislation would require students to pass a U.S. citizenship test in order to graduate high school.

Moms for Liberty’s legislative agenda in North Carolina states the following:

“Moms for Liberty NC believes that a full knowledge and understanding of our country, its history, and its governmental framework are essential to becoming successful and independent citizens and knowing how to engage in constitution-based civic responsibilities. Therefore, we want a High School Graduation requirement for all students to complete and pass the United States Citizenship Test, given only in English, as an exit exam in order to receive their diploma.”

Justice said Florida’s Moms for Liberty legislative committees will be pushing for this same requirement in Florida in the next legislative session.

Moms for Liberty has over 300 chapters across the country in 48 states. Justice said those chapters are “really concerned about what they’re seeing happening in public education.”

She called it “absolutely atrocious” that students are being allowed to graduate high school “without being able to read.” She said only about one third of fourth graders across the U.S. are reading proficiently for their grade level and only about one quarter of eighth graders in some states are reading on grade level.

“If you can get kids graduating from high school, and they know how to read, and they understand what those Constitution-based civic responsibilities are about being an American, I think we have a much brighter future for kids across the United States and for the United States in general as we move forward,” Justice said.