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Moms for Liberty - Indian River FL Informs the School District of Indian River County of Their Certified Letter to the IRC-NAACP Demanding the Resignation of Kevin Browning

Indian River County, FL. – At the March, 13, 2023 board business meeting, member of the Joint Equity Workgroup, Kevin Browning, publicly asked those who support the repeal of the school policy 2260.02, “to take off your hood, show us who you are.” In his comments, he also likened the same innocent citizens to a diabolical slave owner character in the movie, Jango Unchained.

Also known as the “Racial Equity Policy,” 2260.02 was said “not to comport with Florida law” by the Department of Education (DOE) in a letter addressed to the District dated November 18, 2022.

The letter quoted the section of the policy titled, Purpose. It reads,

“The School Board students deserve respectful learning environments in which their racial and ethnic diversity is valued and contributes to successful academic outcomes. This policy confronts the institutional

racism that results in predictably lower academic achievement for students of color than for their white peers....”

Moms for Liberty supports the repeal of Policy 2260.02 because it declares the District operates from a position of “institutional racism,” which is contrary to the District’s position of “equal opportunity for all” founded in Policy 2260 - NONDISCRIMINATION AND ACCESS TO EQUAL EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITY. Policy 2260 is derived from the U.S. Constitution, and, federal and state laws born out of the work of civil rights champions like Frederick Douglass, Martin Luther King and many brave Americans.

Moms for Liberty - Indian River, FL chairwoman, Jennifer Pippin, sent a letter asking the president of the IRC NAACP, Anthony Brown, to demand Browning’s resignation. Pippin remarks, “It’s apparent that Mr. Browning doesn’t believe in the Non-Discrimination policy already governing the school district. His comments demonstrate that he ignores the profound accomplishments in civil rights history, and those leaders who gave their lives for the full rights of ALL citizens. A person of such character who falsely accuses people of racism should not be on the Joint Equity Workgroup.”

About Moms for Liberty - Indian River FL

Moms for Liberty is a 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization. The organization's mission is to organize, educate and empower parents to defend their parental rights at all levels of government. Moms for Liberty - Brevard County, FL & Moms for Liberty - Indian River FL are the first organized chapters in Moms for Liberty founded in 2021. Today, Moms for Liberty chapters are in 45 states with nearly 120,000 members.

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March 16, 2023

The Honorable, Anthony Brown

Indian River County NAACP Branch #5151
4875 43rd Ave
Vero Beach, FL 32967

Dear Mr. Brown,

Moms for Liberty - Indian River is asking the IRC NAACP to demand the resignation of Kevin Browning from his position on the Joint Equity Workgroup based on his false accusations of racism against citizens and school board members in Indian River County. During public comment at the March 13, 2023 school board business meeting, Browning asked that those who support the repeal of Policy 2260.02 - Racial Equity Policy, “to take off your hood and show us who you are.” Prior to this request, he likened the same innocent citizens to a diabolical slave owner character in the Quentin Tarantino movie, Jango Unchained.

Our position mirrors the view of the DOE founded in their letter to the District dated November 18, 2022 that Policy 2260.02 “does not comport with Florida law.” Furthermore, it is antithetical to current school policy inspired by the greatest Civil Rights victories of our time that determined “a person is to be judged by the content of their character rather than the color of their skin.”

Moms for Liberty supports repealing Policy 2260.02 because it declares the School District operates from a position of “institutional racism,” which is contrary to the District’s position of “equal opportunity for all” founded in Policy 2260 - NONDISCRIMINATION AND ACCESS TO EQUAL EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITY. Policy 2260 is derived from the U.S. Constitution, and, the validation in federal and state laws of the work of Civil Rights champions led by Frederick Douglass, Martin Luther King and pushed forward by many other brave Americans.

Browning’s malicious remarks were disrespectful to the victorious history of the men and women who founded the NAACP and gave their lives to establish full equality and rights for ALL citizens of this nation. Thank you for your continued work to establish unity in our community.


Sincerely yours,


Jennifer Pippin, Chairwoman 
Moms for Liberty - Indian River, FL


Thomas Kenny, Board Member
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