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Moms for Liberty San Luis Obispo County

September Newsletter

Greetings! I hope this newsletter finds you well. This newsletter is to keep you informed about what is happening in our local Moms for Liberty Chapter and gives you ways to get involved. Please read on to find opportunities to make a difference.


Moms for Liberty, SLO Chapter Meeting

Our September Moms for Liberty, SLO County chapter meeting will be on Monday, September 25, at 5:00 PM. Sign up as a member to get the location of our next meeting. Come find ways you can get involved.


Moms for Liberty Summit Recap

by Erin Westmoreland


When I joined Moms for Liberty, I felt so far out of the league of Trisha Murray, Jennifer Grinager, Rebekah Koznek, and so many more who are not afraid to stand up and try to right the wrongs they see. But they got me off the bench and onto the battlefield, arm in arm with them. I could no longer stand by and watch what was happening in this fallen world, I had to stand and join the fight. That was my main reason for joining Moms for Liberty and why I went to the Moms for Liberty Summit this summer in Philadelphia. 


At the Summit, I was able to see first hand the hatred the world has for truth seekers right now. During the summit, there was a LGBTQ story hour happening right outside the library. As a friend and I were walking towards the Rocky Balboa steps, we passed this group and my friend whipped out her phone and started to record what was going on. From across the park, a lady comes yelling at us asking if we were part of the “hate group” Moms for Liberty. My friend didn’t answer and instead asked her a question, “Why are you asking?” The lady said it was because she was recording the event on her phone and was wearing American flags on her purse and nails. My friend very calmly said, “Well, next week is the 4th of July and I am just dressing for that.” When did it become a symbol of hatred to support the country we live in?!? This was not our only run in with the vitriol. Let’s just say, I am glad those type of protestors are so insistent on wearing masks, it kept them from spitting on me when they were yelling inches from my face. But why such hate? I thought they were seeking to make everyone feel included? If that is true, then they missed their mark. I didn’t feel supported one bit amongst them. I feel as if they are telling me that I am wrong for the way that I feel and that the morals I have from God Himself are wrong. But at the same time, the Summit also showed me the kind of support we have when hundreds of other like minded ladies from all over the country come together. If there is any theme I heard repeated at the Summit, it was that we are not alone and that it is our job to wake up the silent majority.


So how do we wake the silent majority? We need to give a voice to those trying to speak the truth. One of the best breakout sessions I was sitting in on was given by Billboard Chris called “Gender Ideology.” Chris showed a video about a girl named Prisha who had been targeted at an early age to change her gender when she was clearly struggling with a mental disorder. We need to make sure that stories like hers are heard.


Why is Prisha’s story important? Because it is our job to protect these children. Prisha wasn’t protected. She was targeted. This is happening in our schools. Why schools? Because it has been shown that the best time to introduce support for gender equality is in children. It ingrains this system into them and is less mutable. Organizations like GLSEN are providing schools and teachers with books. Teachers are being trained on this ideology. It is our job to bring awareness to what is in our PUBLIC schools. We need to use the tool we have, like FOIAs, to bring light to what is already there. Take it to the media and get people enraged enough to do something about it.


Another breakout session I went to was on comprehensive sex education. This kind of education started as biology and morphed into sexually transmitted diseases, and now much, much more. They are using this type of education as a vehicle for social change and racial justice. They want to teach our children about “consent”, but we need to teach our children how to say NO, especially to the adults pushing this on them. The WSCC (whisk) model wants 25,000 community schools by 2025. Why? Because now they have the consent of the child without the permission of the parent. That is why the CTA is pushing to move health care into schools.


Another session I went to was about Dark Money’s Infiltration in Education and how to fight it. To sum that up in a few words…follow the money, expose the corruption, and energize by building your network (like we are doing right now)! This is how we will protect the integrity of our children’s education. We should be creating a place where students learn, not where adults lurk.



Join Our Chapter Membership TODAY!

What does being a Moms for Liberty SLO member mean? Whether or not you are a member of the SLO Chapter, you still will always have access to our online Facebook group and our monthly newsletters to keep you up-to-date on what is happening in our county. By becoming a member, you help our cause by financially supporting what we are trying to do, have a say by being a voting member at our eight monthly meetings, and have access to other special events we plan.


Board meetings

We have many parental rights advocates sitting on school boards all across our county, but that isn’t enough. They need our support out there in the audience to show up and speak up when needed. It is time to make sure we are showing up to ALL these meetings on a regular basis. It may not seem like much, but it gives our like minded board members the support they need when it gets tough. Please check our Facebook page to see when your local school board meetings are. Get friends to go with you and make it a regular thing. Hope to see you out there!


Join the Club

Do you have a high school or middle school student that is itching to make a difference and fight for our freedoms within the school’s? Come meet Wade Brock of Turning Point USA. He is our local representative who is leading the charge. Join our zoom meeting to find out what it is about and how you can get involved. P.S. - This doesn’t just have to be public school kids, the state of our schools affect homeschoolers too and they are encouraged to find out more.

ZOOM link

Legislation To Keep An Eye On

NO on AB665-Minors: consent to mental health services - “For LGBTQ+ youth, the rejection from parents, harassment in school, and the overall LGBTQ LGBTQ+ negativity present in society can lead to depression, anxiety, drug and alcohol use, and other negative outcomes. Over one-half of surveyed LGBTQ+ youth reported that not being able to get permission from their parents or guardians was sometimes or always a barrier to accessing mental health services.” “Providers, particularly school-based providers, find that obtaining parental consent for a youth who needs support is complicated by the parent or caretakers’ beliefs and stigma about mental health care.”


NO on AB957-Family law: gender identity - “Existing law governs the determination of child custody and visitation in contested proceedings and requires the court, for purposes of deciding custody, to determine the best interests of the child based on certain factors, including, among other things, the health, safety, and welfare of the child. This bill, for purposes of this provision, would include a parent’s affirmation of the child’s gender identity or gender expression as part of the health, safety, and welfare of the child.”


NO on AB1078-Instructional materials and curriculum: diversity - “Existing law, the Safe Place to Learn Act, requires the State Department of Education, as part of its regular monitoring and review of a local educational agency, to assess whether the local educational agency has, among other things, adopted a policy that prohibits discrimination, harassment, intimidation, and bullying based on specified protected characteristics. This bill would require that policy to include a statement that the policy applies to all acts of the governing board or body of the local educational agency, the superintendent of the school district, and the county superintendent of schools in enacting policies and procedures that govern the local educational agency. Because this provision would impose an additional requirement on local educational agency officials, the bill would create a state-mandated local program. The bill would require the department, no later than July 1, 2025, to develop guidance and public educational materials to ensure that all Californians can access information about educational laws and policies that safeguard the right to an accurate and inclusive curriculum.”


There are three ballot initiatives that need our signatures to get on the ballots. Ballot initiatives are a way for the people to have a direct say in what laws we want to see. Go to Protect Kids California website, sign-up to get updates, then join us as we make a push to get signatures on these items:

  • Protect Children From Reproductive Harm Act - ban gender-affirming medical care — including puberty blockers, hormone therapy and surgery — for minors.

  • Protect Girls’ Sports and Spaces Act - would forbid transgender students from participating on sports teams aligned with their gender identity. Also deals with having sex-segregated private spaces at education institutions (i.e. locker rooms and bathrooms) to protect the privacy and safety of students.

  • School Transparency and Partnership Act -  this mirrors so-called parental notification policies implemented in several school districts already, and would require teachers and other school staff to out transgender and gender-nonconforming students to their parents.


Stay tuned for up and coming zoom class on how to navigate California’s legislative system.

Protect Kids California Website

Chapter Donations

Donations to our Chapter help us with things like reserve venues for our regular meetings, get speakers on a regular basis, print costs to spread the word about what we are doing, and so much more! It is easy to donate. Just go to our webpage, Facebook page, or click the link below to donate.


We want to give a special thank you to Atascadero Republican Women Federated and all those who gave to the fundraiser they hosted in the name of supporting our Chapter. Thank you!

Donate here

How To Contact Us

Have you ever wondered how to contact us? For some reason, it is extremely hard to find our contact information on the National website. Instead, use this newsletter! All of our information is linked at the bottom, but we will give it to you here too.


Snail Mail:

P.O. Box 1136

Atascadero, CA 93423



[email protected]


Social Media:

M4L SLO County Website -

Facebook -

Instagram -

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Telegram -

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