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Once again, Moms for Liberty showed that the Left doesn’t know what democracy means

The parents’ rights group Moms for Liberty is an ardent supporter of education. They do yeoman’s work when it comes to trying to clean the country’s education system of the toxic left-wing materials that extremist DEI Democrats have used to brainwash children for decades. In just a few short years, the organization has educated many parents on what is being taught to children at school. It has riled the extremist DEI Democrats who controlled education, and, in turn, they have targeted Moms for Liberty in every conceivable way. 

On Thursday night, Moms for Liberty held a town hall meeting in New York City to discuss education. It was open to the public. Yet rather than engage in debate, the DEI Democrats on the Left opted to remain outside the event, harass attendees, and virtue signal as to why the nation’s failing education system should continue to poison the minds of today’s youth with radical left-wing cultural ideology instead of valuable subjects such as reading, writing, arithmetic, and science that will help them succeed in life. But the DEI Democrats don’t care about those things. They want to indoctrinate, not educate. 

Read the full article here.