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Report: DOJ Tracked Moms for Liberty as Hate Group


The conservative education policy group Moms for Liberty was tracked by the Department of Justice's unit tasked with responding to "hate crimes" through alerts triggered by signals such as the Confederate flag, a noose, or a swastika, according to internal emails.

The documents show the group being tracked by the DOJ's Community Research Service (CRS) in a manner only used to track two other groups (the Ku Klux Klan and the Oath Keepers) reported The Daily Wire, which obtained the emails through a Freedom of Information Act filed by America First Legal on its behalf.

Targets like Moms for Liberty were tracked through alerts from Google or LexisNexis based on certain keywords. 

The DOJ has not commented on why it was tracking the Florida-based group, which advocates against school curricula mentioning LGBTQ rights, critical race theory, and discrimination. 

Emails were obtained from DOJ-CRS Conciliation Specialist Hannah Levine suggesting that she tracked "hate" through setting up keyword searches. 

For example, a July 20, 2023 alert set for the terms "'moms for liberty' virginia" brought up an article saying that the Virginia Department of Education had released new policies for transgender students.