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Weakness … where has our strength gone?

The past several months were a whirlwind. With the school year ending, yard work season beginning, and summer planning in full swing, it seems like everything is in overdrive. 

I finally had a chance to reflect over the past few months of the state legislative session and other events, and I kept coming back to the same thought: Why are we so weak? 

Whether LGBTQ books in the libraries, social emotional learning classes with the counselor, transgender resources plastered along school halls, or fellow students identifying as cats and dogs, our children are facing many indoctrination schemes on a daily basis. I hear about these stories regularly given my role with Moms for Liberty, but these aren’t a secret. 

Thus, I make a point to share these issues with the public, and at times specifically geo-tag stories to the exact school district. School administrators and parents need to know what is happening, yet very little action ever takes place. So I began asking why. Are schools unaware or too weak to engage on the topic? 

It's a similar story with public libraries. The utter filth offered in libraries is repulsive. The lack of regard for protecting children is unconscionable, yet where are the masses showing up to fight? 

We’ve been speaking to local mayors and city councilmen/women for months to no avail. When we suggest they “pressure the library to improve their policies,” they simply shrug and say they have no leverage. When we suggest they withhold local funding, they imply they do not have the authority to do so. 

If sitting members of city councils do not realize they are approving the city’s annual budget, which funds the library, they are not competent enough to serve the community. So are they incompetent or are they weak? 

I had high hopes for the legislative session, thinking our “supermajority” would be successful in pushing conservative bills that would fix the issues in our public schools and libraries. We had bills prohibiting discussions on gender identity and sexual orientation in K-12 public schools, bills prohibiting state agencies from purchasing materials containing sexual concepts, bills banning children from drag shows, bills defining a woman, and bills seeking to clean up sex ed in our schools. None passed. 

In a state as “ruby red” as Alabama, why couldn’t these get pushed through? Was it because of time constraints … or weakness in taking a bold stance?