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WCPSS Superintendent Proposes $3.41 Billion Budget for the 2024-25 School Year

As schools introduce SEL (Social Emotional Learning) programs and work towards WSWC (Whole School Whole Child), they are focusing less and less on actual academics (reading, writing, math, science, history).

Currently about 4 out of 10 WCPSS* students are not reading at grade level.  When you look specifically at Black and Hispanic students its worse – about 6 out of 10 WCPSS students are not reading at grade level*.

Since the 2018-2019 school year, WCPSS budget has increased $1.14 Billion, yet has only added 7 more schools, and 180 more teachers.  But in this same time, WCPSS has added OVER 1,200 more “professional” (equity, psychologist, counselors, etc.). Yet 39% of students CANNOT read at grade level.

As a parent, taxpayer, or citizen, YOU are a stakeholder in public education.

  • As a parent you are interested in the quality of education your child receives.
  • As a taxpayer you are concerned that funds are spent to provide the education that children need.
  • As a citizen you want public education to educate our future leaders, policy makers, businesspeople, doctors, lawyers, etc.

In 5 year’s WCPSS total budget has increased $1 BILLION – yes that is $1,000,000,000.00

* NCDPI School Report Card Data


Town Hall Next Week - Giving Parents a Choice

Invite your friends and neighbors

Moms for Liberty national will be hosting a Town Hall to bring together parents, educators, and policy makers to discuss the state of education in NC. 

Please invite your child's principals and teachers, pastors and other community leaders! Tickets are limited so register today!



WCPSS Budget: Provide Your Comments

Your input on the budget makes a difference.  You may provide comment back to the WCPSS board regard the Proposed Budget in 2 ways.

First, make a public statement at the Regular Meeting on Tuesday, April 16th. On the day of the meeting your will need to signup online between 11:30am – 4pm. The meeting begins at 5:30pm at the Crossroads I building in Cary (5625 Dillard Drive).

  • 11:30am - 4:30pm – Online Speaker Sign Up
  • 3:30pm – 5:30pm – Board BUDGET Work Session
  • 5:30pm - Board Meeting and Public Comment on BUDGET. The day before the meeting, Click HERE to view the agenda. 

Second, send an email to the WCPSS Superintendent and the board.


Budget Timeline

  • April/May - School board discusses budget proposal and hosts public hearing
  • May - Board approves budget proposal
  • May 15 - Budget proposal delivered to County Commissioners for consideration
  • May/June - County Commissioners consider budget proposal as part of their overall county budget discussions; public hearings held
  • June - County Commissioners approve budget to include appropriations for WCPSS

WCPSS Budget and Staffing History

WCPSS BUDGET: WCPSS Budget (Per finance section) has increased $1.14 Billion since 2018, yet the student population remains the same.

  • 2018-19 Adopted: $2.27 Billion (160,471 Students)
  • 2019-20 Adopted: $2.40 Billion (161,907 Students)
  • 2020-21 Adopted: $2.47 Billion (158,883 Students)
  • 2021-22 Adopted: $3.19 Billion (159,066 Students)
  • 2022-23 Adopted: $3.15 Billion (158,412 Students)
  • 2023-24 Adopted: $3.39 Billion (159,995 Students)
  • 2024-2025 Proposed: $3.41 Billion (160,445 projected Students)

NUMBER of WCPSS TEACHERS – Over the same period where the budget has increased $1.1 B, there are only 180 more teachers per NCDPI Statistical Data and Reports

  • 2018: 10,616
  • 2019: 10,242
  • 2020: 10,739
  • 2021: 10,558
  • 2022: 11,023
  • 2023: 10,674
  • 2024: 10,796

NUMBER of WCPSS PROFESSIONALS – This includes DEI positions, consultants, phycology, counselors, etc. Over the same period where the budget has increased $1.1 B, and added only 180 teachers, WCPSS has added 1,230 Professionals per NCDPI Statistical Data and Reports

  • 2018: 1,835
  • 2019: 2,594
  • 2020: 2,654
  • 2021: 2,810
  • 2022: 2,875
  • 2023: 2,909
  • 2024: 3,065

WCPSS STUDENT READING NON-PROFICIENCY – Over the same period where the budget has increased $1.1 B, student reading proficiency have not improved (Per NCDPI School Report Card Data).  Students that struggle to read, will struggle in other areas of learning as well.

  • 2018-19: 35% not proficient
  • 2019-20: no data
  • 2020-21: 42% not proficient
  • 2021-22: 42% not proficient
  • 2022-23: 39% not proficient
  • 2023-24: Data will be available Dec 2024

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