Hello Joyful Warrior,
We hope all you dads out there had an amazing Father's Day. We couldn't do this without you. It's an honor to serve beside you. We love our dads!
Today Biden and Trump debate live at 5 PM Alaska time. It will be interesting to see if parental rights comes up in the conversation, i.e. Title IX changes. Remember, parents have the fundamental right to direct the upbringing of their children. Find out what the candidates will do to support families and improve education.
The sun is shining and Moms For Liberty Anchorage is buzzing with projects and ideas for the upcoming months. In our last meeting we had the honor of hosting guest speaker, Brandy Pennington, candidate for District 9. We dove into discussion over resolutions for the rest of 2024 and what the Title IX changes mean for our community. We intoduced a partnership with 917 Society where we coordinate with local middle schools to deliver pocket constitutions and resources for teachers to make celebrating Constitution Day fun and educational. Now it's time for action.
All hands on deck! Let's put all the great resources we have to work in our community. We need your help:
- Planning events
- Registering Voters
- School Board Watch Dogs
- Researchers for books and curriculum
- Legislative Committee Members
- Madison Meet Up Leaders: https://portal.momsforliberty.org/madison-meetups/
- School Board Candidates:https://portal.momsforliberty.org/candidates/
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Our next Anchorage chapter meeting is 6 PM, July 11 at The Workshop. A huge shoutout to LeeAnna and all the volunteers at The Workshop for providing a family friendly, creative and comfortable space to get together and hash things out. This is a public meeting. Bring your whole crew!
See you soon!
Moms For Liberty Anchorage Chapter