Radio City



Looking forward to seeing you in a couple days for our SCHOOL BOARD CANDIDATE FORUM!  Don’t forget your school supplies and be entered into a drawing for a Moms for Liberty mug.

Also, tomorrow are 2 WCPSS committee meetings.  Do you have 2 hours you can watch and let us know about what was discussed and any potential issues?




Join Moms for Liberty online HERE

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August 14: School Board Forum / School Supply Drive


Join us Wednesday, August 14, from 6-8pm to meet some of the school board candidates and collect school supplies for a local school in need.

  • School Supply Collection - Bring supplies and get entered in for a prize! We are collecting pens, pencils, loose leaf paper and art supplies for a local Charter High School that does not have a PTA or parent support group.
  • School Board Candidate Below are the conservative candidates for each district up for election. A separate email will be sent out with detailed information on the candidate.
  • Other Local Candidates

We will meet at Sophie’s at 6pm in Cary. REGISTER TODAY! You do not need to be a member to attend. Submit questions for the candidates to [email protected].


  Join Moms for Liberty online HERE

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text LIBERTY to 53445

Donate to Chapter/ Summit

We will be doing some events in the fall to reach out to the community about some of the issues such as Title IX, gender ideology and more.  Donation links are below. 

If you have fundraising ideas or are interested in arranging a fundraiser, please contact chapter leadership.

Lastly, Becky and Julie will be going to Moms for Liberty National Summit in a few weeks. Summit offers training and resources that we bring back to the chapter. If you can donate to help defray our travel costs, we would greatly appreciate it. Just put a note that this is for Summit Expenses.

How to donate

  • CashApp - $M4LWakeNC
  • Online Donation Link – Click <<HERE>> to donate online.
  • Check – If you want to donate via check, please email [email protected] for details.


Join Moms for Liberty online HERE

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text LIBERTY to 53445

WCPSS Committee and Board Meetings

There are several WCPSS meetings this month.  We need 4 volunteers to watch and report.  Can you watch one and provide a highlight of what was covered? If you are interested, email us at [email protected].

WCPSS and Wake County Commissioner will hold a JOINT MEETING on August 12 discussing WCPSS Clean Energy Efforts, Child Nutrition and Safety/ Security Measures. This meeting is at 5pm at the Wake County Justice Center.

There are several upcoming committee meetings that can be watched online. Each committee meeting lasts about 2 hours, can be watched via YOUTUBE.

  • Community Engagement Committee – August 13 at 1pm
  • Student Achievement Committee – August 13 at 1pm
  • Policy Committee – August 27 at 10am

Lastly, save the date for the next work session and board meeting on Tuesday, August 20 and then on September 3. The work session and main MEETING AGENDA will be posted the Friday evening before the meeting.


Join Moms for Liberty online HERE

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text LIBERTY to 53445


Protect Your Child from Gender Ideology – Join Today

On August 1, the Biden administration’s rule changes to Title IX that impose gender ideology, interfere with First Amendment rights and remove due process went into effect. WCPSS rushed through policies 1710 and 1720 on July 16 to enact these rule changes.

But you can protect your children while the court case is ongoing by JOINING us.

To date, 62 WCPSS schools are prohibited by FEDERAL COURT INJUCTION for enacting the Title IX rule changes that went into effect on August 1. You can still JOIN MOMS FOR LIBERTY and protect your children from these overreaching changes.

If you are already a member and do not see your school on this list, please email [email protected] so we can look into it.


Join Moms for Liberty online HERE

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text LIBERTY to 53445


Join Moms for Liberty online HERE

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text LIBERTY to 53445


Wake County Public School System

Quick Links

Links to come popular or commonutly used reference regarding WCPSS




NC Department of Public Instruction

 Quick Links

Links to come popular or commonutly used reference regarding the NC Deptartment of Publci Instruction.