How we fight

OPPOSE GOVERNENT OVERREACH - We stand together against government overreach and intimidation tactics.

Illinois' General Assembly passed SB818 on August 20, 2021. With that, Public Act 102-0522 directed public-school districts to include Sex Education in grades K-8. The act provided individual school districts to opt out. Last reports were that 882 of 902 school districts opted out. Since then, bills to eliminate the opt out provision have been introduced but have failed to be voted upon.

We do not Co-Parent"We must understand that schools are temporary custodians.  They do not have free reign.  Our parents do not cede their rights and responsibilities at the schoolhouse door." Megan Degenfelder, Superintendent, Wyoming Department of Education.

School districts may not overreach their mission.  Parents, not boards of education, have the right to decide when their children are ready for adult materials.

Why we fight

According to a document created by ACLU of Illinois, Equality Illinois, AIDS Foundation Chicago, and Planned Parenthood Illinois Action: 

Vote Yes on SB 818"SB 818 requires Illinois public and charter schools to teach comprehensive personal health and safety education in grades K-5 and comprehensive sexual health education in grades 6-12 that is:

  • age and developmentally appropriate (tailored to grades ranges based on the developing cognitive, emotional, and behavioral capacity typical for the age or age group)
  • medically accurate (verified or supported by research and published in peer-reviewed journals)
  • complete (aligned with national standards)
  • culturally appropriate (affirming culturally diverse individuals, families, and communities in an inclusive, respectful, and effective manner)
  • inclusive (inclusion of marginalized communities)
  • trauma informed (takes into consideration how adverse life experiences may potentially influence a person’s well-being and decision making)"

Sex Ed - SB818 - Fact Sheet (.pdf download)

Illinois General Assembly members packed nearly every Woke priority in just one bill with the harmless title of "Keeping Youth Safe & Healthy."

"Sex education in Illinois is optional for districts to provide. Parents can also opt their student out of instruction."  School Wellness - Sexual Health

We were unable to get a list of Boards of Education (BofE) that have adopted this program since Public Act 102-0522 was signed into law on August 20, 2021.  However, last reports were that 882 of 902 school districts opted out.

Since then, bills to eliminate the opt out provision have been introduced but have failed to be voted upon.

Corrie ten Boom


  • The Illinois General Assembly gave individual school district Boards of Education the authorization to opt out for an unspecified reason.  One can presume that the provisions of SB818 were controversial enough that even the Democrat super majority was uncomfortable mandating this intrusion on parent's rights. 
  • During a panel discussion on WTVP's At Issue with Mark Welp, our Vice-Chair Dee Fogal made a critical distinction:  "I think sexual activity should not be taught on the how and with who.  Sexual organs, scientific information, of course."

Sex Ed - Moms for Liberty of Tazewell County

  • The same panel discussion included a number of radical comments by participant Heather McMeekan.  We are grateful to WTVP for providing a forum to make the public aware of both sides of this dispute.

WTVP - At Issue with Mark Welp - S01 E06: Moms for Liberty

  • As was already stated, very few public-school districts adopted this version of the "National Sex Education Standards."  Since the implementation of this act in 2022, legislation that makes Sex Ed mandatory in all public-school districts has been introduced but has gotten no traction.

Joyful WarriorsJoyful Warrior's Plan

Moms for Liberty of Tazewell County has contacted Illinois General Assembly members representing Tazewell County and have received assurances that any effort to make Sex Ed mandatory will be communicated with us.

No public schools in Tazewell County were in the 20 who adopted the Sex Ed program, we will develop a process to periodically confirm that Sex Ed is still not adopted.

OPPOSE GOVERNENT OVERREACH - We stand together against government overreach and intimidation tactics.
