Chapter Leadership

Kristen Cobo
Chapter Chair


Nikki Lois
Chapter Vice Chair

Sherry Nardolillo
Chapter Secretary

Loren Hamilton
Chapter Treasurer

Moms for Liberty - Morris County Chapter is dedicated to the survival of America by unifying, educating and empowering parents to defend their parental rights at all levels of government.  Our mandate as a chapter of Moms for Liberty is fighting for parental rights at all levels of government and education.  We are a pro-freedom group.  We defend the right of parents to make decisions for their children without interference.  

Please invite parents, grandparents, and community members that value parental rights.

"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people.  It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." -- John Adams

Join Our Chapter!

Moms for Liberty Merchandise Sign Up


About Us

We represent 39 municipalities within Morris County.  We are Moms, Dads, Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles and Concerned Residents who care about our future generation - Our Children!  Our mandate is fighting for parental rights at all levels of government and education. 

We are a pro-freedom group.  We defend the right of parents to make decisions for their children without interference.  We strongly oppose masks and vaccine mandates in schools since such mandates remove the right of parents to choose the manner in which they protect their children from COVID-19 and other viruses.  If you choose to mask or vaccinate, your choice will be respected.  We support your right to choose.

We oppose Critical Race Theory (CRT) and Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) as divisive ideologies whose implementation is toxic to all children. 

"CRT has its roots in cultural Marxism" - Xi Van Fleet

As appropriate, we will highlight politicians whose values align with those of Moms for Liberty, and shine a light on those who do not.  Moms for Liberty does not endorse political candidates.  

School board members whose values align with Moms for Liberty are welcome to join our chapter and we would love them to act in advisory roles to our chapter's School District Leaders as we establish those roles.  


  Check out the website two Roxbury moms, Kristen(our chapter chair) & Christina created in order to inform parents and hold the school district accountable. Way to go, Ladies!

 These moms are being sued by the High School Librarian - 

Click here to Give Now and support their legal defense!




Everyone must request and encourage our school districts to repeal Transgender Policy 5756.
If this is current policy in your school, email your BOE to repeal this policy which has been in place since 2019.
Get to know your BOE candidates. 
As stated by Hanover Township Public Schools, the current “Policy 5756 undermines parents’ fundamental Constitutional right to autonomy with respect to the upbringing of their minor children. All studies show that parents (and not the State) are best suited to advocate and provide a support system for their children.”

Resolution Passed

Morris County Board of Commissioners unanimously passed on July 27, 2022; RES-2022-660: Resolution Demanding the Repeal of the 2020 New Jersey Student Learning Standards in Comprehensive Health and Physical Education (ID #9506) (go to page 57)

Read the Resolution! (go to page 57)


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