Chapter Meeting

Aug. 29, 2023

Godfather's Pizza

1832 S Ingram Mill Rd

Springfield 65804

United States of America


Please join us to discuss our goals as a chapter. We hope to have people from each district join us. We will be collecting schools supplies for Highschool teachers. Parents are not generally providing supplies for them so things like tissues, clorox wipes, paper etc. We want to make sure we are giving to the community as well!

Also PLEASE plan on eating there. Godfathers is very generous for letting us use the space without cost. Let's give them some business! 

Date and Time

Tue, Aug. 29, 2023

midnight - 2 a.m.
(GMT-0600) US/Central


Godfather's Pizza

1832 S Ingram Mill Rd

Springfield 65804

United States of America


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Godfather's Pizza

1832 S Ingram Mill Rd
Springfield 65804
United States of America