Shoes on the Steps

Dec. 2, 2021

BLP School District/Education Center (Front Lawn)

520 NW Wall Street

Bend, OR 97701

Deschutes County

United States of America


Shoes on the Steps is a peaceful protest for Parental Rights and Medical freedom that will take place Wednesday, December 1, at 6:00pm. 

Location: Bend-La Pine School Disctrict Offices, front lawn

Bring: A pair of shoes (to donate) and personal note with your personal "why" your child(ren) or you will not be supporting the school district now or if a vaccine mandate is imposed.

Parents of students in the Bend-La Pine school district invite other parents and concerned community members of Deschutes County to come together on a peaceful gathering. Some parents will speak, sharing concerns, hopes and pleas in a public forum to the community at large and to all in attendance. 

Parents call the shots! As parents, it should be our choice as to whether or not our children receieve the Covid-19 vaccine. It should not be up to an elected or appointed official to make medical decisions for the families in our school district, county or state. 

Shoes on the Steps is our way of demonstrating how crucial it is to keep our parental rights and medical freedom and continue to make choices that are best for our children. The shoes represent the children that will no longer be in the halls of the school districts if they implement a covid vaccine mandate. Those that leave shoes are also encouraged to leave a note with their "why". All shoes will be donated to a local shelter after the event. 


Date and Time

Thu, Dec. 2, 2021

midnight - 1:30 a.m.
(GMT-0800) US/Pacific


BLP School District/Education Center (Front Lawn)

520 NW Wall Street

Bend, OR 97701

Deschutes County

United States of America


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BLP School District/Education Center (Front Lawn)

520 NW Wall Street
Bend, OR 97701
United States of America