Work and General meeting. Agenda can be found here under meeting tab.
Moms 4 Liberty Baltimore County Members!
We are looking forward to catching up with everyone and discussing some very important topics at our meeting. Please save the date and register beforehand.
Tom will be discussing the LGBTQ Guidance occurring in schools. The topics will surround law, Biden administration, guidance vs policy, boys and girls using the opposite sex bathrooms and sports team and everything in between.
We also have exciting news that we want to fill you all in on. We've started a Moms 4 Liberty Maryland Legislative Committee with all 10 chapters (counties) involved. Come on out and hear more! We hope you all can make it and grab some dinner + please bring a friend..
Location: Will be shared to all that register
Tara, Theresa, Laura and Stacey
Monthly meetings are open to all members and their guests.