Thursday, July 27 2023

9:22 PM - 11:22 PM
Wednesday, Mar 22, 2023 9:22 p.m.
Multi-day Event
Community Services

Moms for Liberty Wayne County NY is looking for volunteers to knit, crochet or purchase mittens, gloves, hats and scarves for the next school year 2023-2024. Many times kids do not have these items to help keep them warm in the colder temperatures. 

We are asking for volunteers to either make or buy these items to be donated to kids and families living in Wayne County NY. 

Email [email protected] for more info, or contact us through our PO Box 225, Marion NY 14505.

10 PM - 12 AM
Wednesday, Jul 26, 2023 10 p.m.
Multi-day Event
Social Activities

Wednesday, July 26th •

From 5-7 PM


3337 North Academy Blvd.

Donations are appreciated.

11 PM - 1 AM
Thursday, Jul 27, 2023 11 p.m.
Multi-day Event
Chapter Meeting

Join us for our monthly meeting!  Please RSVP to [email protected].

11:30 PM - 1:30 AM
Thursday, Jul 27, 2023 11:30 p.m.
Multi-day Event
Chapter Meeting

Many thanks to Main Street Tower for providing our meeting location.

Arrive at 6 to place your food & drink order.

Meeting begins at 6:30.

We encourage all members who wish to have a say in the direction of our group to attend this working meeting. We have much to discuss, so there will not be a guest speaker. Topics on the agenda include: Book Committee report, Petition Drive to restore William Paca and John Archer, School Supply Drive, Plans for celebrating Constitution Week, and a report on highlights from the National Summit. Upcoming events will also be discussed. This is a chance for you to give input and take action. Voting members especially encouraged to attend. Please find the full agenda below.

We are accepting school supply donations at the meeting.


Agenda for Monthly Chapter Meeting (subject to change)

July 27, 2023
6:30 p.m.

Opening Prayer: LeaAnn
Pledge of Allegiance: Tina
Madison Minute: Bill
Report on M4L Summit 2023: Tina
Book Committee Report: Deb/Jeannine
Petition Drive: Suzie
M4L Harford Public FB page/Membership: Christine
School Supply Drive: Nonie
Crab Feast Fundraiser: Dan
August 5 National Story Hour Event: Suzie
Constitution Day Plan: Suzie
August Guest Speaker 8/24:Bill
August BOE meeting is 8/14