CCPS serves equitably through positive relationships as a safe, collaborative community. We will ensure all learners acquire the knowledge, skills, and qualities to be responsible, caring, and ethical citizens.
The Board shall conduct a regular business meeting on the second Wednesday of each month. A work session on the fourth Wednesday will be held as necessary based on the needs of the Board. The regular business meetings will begin in closed session at 4:30 p.m. The meeting will be open to the public at 5:30 p.m. The work sessions will begin at 5:00 p.m. and are open to the public except as noted below. The meeting dates and times may be changed by a majority of the Board, and the Board may meet at other times as needed.
The Board shall determine the location of each meeting for the ensuing school year and shall promptly cause this information to be made public. The location of other special meetings shall be determined by the Board.
Advance notice of any regularly scheduled open or closed meeting of the Board of Education of Cecil County shall be posted on the Board's website.
All meetings will be held at the George Washington Carver Education Leadership Center, 201 Booth Street, Elkton, unless otherwise noted on the schedule below.
Individuals must register to speak by emailing their name, address, and topic that will be addressed to [email protected]. A confirmation of receipt will be provided. Registration may also be made in writing and delivered to the Superintendent’s office (201 Booth Street, Elkton, MD 21921). Contact information must be provided for a confirmation receipt. Registrations must be received 48 hours prior to the start of the meeting.
The Colorado School District 11 Board of Education will be conducting a Regular Board Meeting
on January 24, 2024.
at 5:30 p.m.
Boardroom - Main Administration Building
1115 N. El Paso Street, Colorado Springs, CO 80903
The public is encouraged to participate remotely by watching the live-stream broadcast at:
Live meetings are broadcast on Comcast Channel 881 HD, StratusIQ Channel 74 SD, and StratusIQ Fiber TV Channel 97 HD.
Recorded meetings can be found on demand on Board Docs, YouTube, and Vimeo.
Public Comments: During this time, members of the public may speak to items under Action, Non-Action, or General (special reports, consent items, or items not found on tonight's agenda). Sign-up forms are available prior to the start of the meeting outside the boardroom the day of the meeting from 9:00 a.m. until the start of the meeting and online on the Board of Education webpage the day of the meeting between 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
District 11 is using BoardDocs to manage all Board of Education meetings.
On the Board Docs website, you will find a "MEETINGS" Tab. Under that tab is a list of meeting dates grouped by year. Expand a year to see the meeting dates. Click on a meeting date and you can view the Agenda, Minutes and Podcast if/when available for that particular meeting.
The BoardDocs page for upcoming meetings and agenda will be available at least 24 hours prior to each meeting.
Melisa Olsen
Phone: 719-520-2076
Email: [email protected]
Are you a parent passionate about transparency and accountability in your child's education? Unlock the secrets to navigating the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) with our exclusive training, designed to empower you with the knowledge and tools needed to submit effective FOIA requests to School Boards.Are you a parent passionate about transparency and accountability in your child's education? Unlock the secrets to navigating the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) with our exclusive training, designed to empower you with the knowledge and tools needed to submit effective FOIA requests to School Boards.
Key Discussion Points:
This training will be recorded and available to members through the Members Exclusives - Trainings page.