Join us at the August chapter meeting as we discuss the world of Opt-In/Opt-Out forms in Williamson County public schools.
You will have an opportunity to talk about the forms and your experience navigating the new requirements.
Bring the forms used in your school, share your experience, learn from others, and help others understand the process.
Our social media has been active with folks in the community concerned that the "counseling" form is an all-or-nothing format meaning all types of counseling must be allowed or none are allowed.
For example, you may want your child to be counseled about college opportunities but not take part in mental/emotional counseling at school.
The preference is for a format that allows parents and guardians to select each type of counseling separately.
To that end, we are in the process of creating forms that will allow the separate selection of each type of counseling and we plan to make the form(s) available in the near future.
The Families' Rights and Responsibilities Act passed during the last legislative session requires parents and guardians to complete additional forms to approve certain school services.
Check your Skyward Family Access page to determine the various types of forms required.