Tuesday, September 3 2024

5:30 PM - 8 PM
Tuesday, Sep 3, 2024 5:30 p.m.
Board Meeting

Speaker Sign Up
  • Sign up to speak at the Board Meeting begins online the day of the meeting from 11:30am - 4:30pm. 
  • All are encouraged to provide public comment. Comment time is limited to 3 minutes. 
  • Speakers are not required to speak on agenda topic, but those who speak on agenda topic are given priority.
Work Session (begins at 3:30)
  • Agenda's and slide decks may be viewed/ downloaded from Simbli the Friday before the meeting.  See the link below.
  • The meeting may be viewed online via the WCPSS YouTube channel.  
  • This meeting is held in the board room.  The public may attend but no public feedback is accepted during this meeting.

Board Meeting (Begins at 5:30)
  • The meeting begins at 5:30 with board opening comments and public comment usually begins around 6:15-6:30pm
  • Agenda's and slide decks may be viewed/ downloaded from Simbli the Friday before the meeting. See the link below.


7:49 PM - 9:49 PM
Sunday, Sep 1, 2024 7:49 p.m.
Multi-day Event
Chapter Meeting

Stay tuned for date and location for our upcoming in-person meeting. We have a lot to cover including:

  • recap of summer activities
  • plans for Constitution Day
  • back to school toolkits for parents
  • curriculum review