RIDOH has proposed 216-RICR-30-05-4, a permanent regulation for future mask mandates.
It gives the Rhode Island Department of Health the power to impose masks on our children for ANY infectious disease (RSV, flu, chicken pox…)!
TESTIFY AGAINST IT. This is the ONLY proposed regulation in the entire country and the hearing will afford us ONE OPPORTUNITY to stamp it out. If we don’t oppose in large numbers, RIDOH WILL approve this regulation & give itself the necessary authority to force masks on our children again. We MUST create a record of opposition.
1. ATTEND THE HEARING AND PUBLICLY COMMENT in opposition: Plan to speak for 1-2 minutes, maximum. Bring friends and family, even those who don’t testify. FILL THE ROOMS.
2. SUBMIT WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENT in opposition: e-mail [email protected]. BCC [email protected] to ensure we retain records of submissions. Provide written testimony (it can be brief), even if you’re testifying in person - we need BOTH.
3. SHARE: Call upon friends, fellow parents, family, co-workers, neighbors and anyone who can attend. FLOOD RIDOH with compelling testimony, both in person and via written records. We took masks off of our children in February of 2022 because four hundred of us testified against mandates. We showed up once and MUST do the same now.
Every one of us must do our part on March 15th if we’re going to defend against mask mandates, otherwise, our children will suffer again.