Hillsborough County School Board Finance Advisory Committee Meeting

May. 4 - May. 5, 2022

School Board Auditorium


To provide an additional tool for the School Board in finding solutions to the fiscal operational deficit, to restore confidence and trust in the financial stewardship of the District and the Board, to provide more transparency in the financial and budget process, and to provide guidance to the Board. The Financial Advisory Committee shall not have the power to make financial or budgetary decisions for the School Board or the District, but rather will provide input, perspective, recommendations to the School Board. The School Board shall receive the information and recommendations provided by the Financial Advisory Committee, but the School Board is not required to act upon the information or recommendations.

Date and Time

Wed, May. 4


Thu, May. 5, 2022

10 p.m. - midnight
(GMT-0400) US/Eastern


School Board Auditorium