Moms for Liberty's mission remains the same:
We are dedicated to fighting for the survival of America by unifying, educating and empowering parents to defend their parental rights at all levels of government.
Our vision is also the same:
Americans empowered and thriving in a culture of Liberty.
Our values:
As Joyful Warriors, we stand for truth, we build relationships, and we empower others.
We need your help to accomplish our mission. There are a couple of pressing issues in New York state that require action on our part. Please read this newsletter and consider your part in preserving Liberty for our children and grandchildren.

In an effort to defeat Proposal 1 on the ballot November 5, 2024 we have partnered with Restore Childhood Action to phone bank voters.
We’re pleased to announce a special, free group training session tonight, 9/27, at 7 PM EST, generously offered by the Leadership Institute. I understand it’s a Friday night, but this was the earliest available slot due to their busy schedule, and they kindly made this time work just for us.
Our training will be led by Dena Espenscheid, the Senior Director of Coalitions at the Leadership Institute. Dena has been spearheading get-out-the-vote canvassing and phone banking trainings across the country this fall.
To sign up for the training, please visit: GOTV Workshop - Phone Bank Webinar - New York State
Dena will guide us through both the theory and practice of effective phone banking. Additionally, my team will demonstrate how to use the call dialer app, followed by a hands-on session where we’ll practice making calls together.
At the Regents’ Nov 2024 meeting, they’re scheduled to approve a plan to implement the “Blue” Ribbon Commission on Graduation Measures. Except it’s not just about eliminating the Regents and Advanced diplomas, it’s about changing our focus away from scholarship, merit, academic excellence and achievement onto “Culturally Responsive” education.
In order for “all students” to receive an achievable diploma in the name of DEI, they profess that massive changes are needed. Everything K-12 will be grounded in the CRSE framework where students are urged to take action for “social justice”, to “challenge inequitable systems of access, power, and privilege”, to overcome the oppression of their “identity markers” (ie race, gender, ability etc). The report calls for “adequate funding.
Think more teachers for this “personalized” learning and new electives. Think teacher time away from students, professional development pay and substitute costs as new Standards are rewritten. Think pricey contracts for consultants and assessment developers. Think new textbooks and resources that are sanitized with the CRSE “lens”. Taxpayers will be burdened with the costs and local school boards will say they have no control since it will be a state mandate.
Your time and efforts are so greatly appreciated. If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know.
Debbie Lochner, Chapter Chair
Jennifer Williams, Chapter Vice-Chair
John Housel, Chapter Secretary
Mary Lou Reisdorf, Chapter Treasurer
[email protected]
PO Box 225 Marion, NY 14505
Jennifer Williams