April 1, 2024

Lara Logan Headlines
March Chapter Meeting

It was an honor to host investigative reporter Lara Logan at our March National Chapter Meeting. She shared inspiring words with our members and encouraged continued action in the face of adversity.

“Real courage is acting in the presence of fear.” ~ Lara Logan


Remember! Chapter Chairs and Executive Board members can tune in every third Thursday at 7:30 p.m. ET to get a little virtual dose of Joyful Warrior Energy from leaders from around the country. We cannot wait to see your smiling faces!  

Watch Here

Ambassador Program Launching

We have launched a new Ambassador Program at Moms for Liberty.
As an ambassador you will:

  • Work on growing the number of chapters in your state

  • Travel the state and network

  • Speak at events at counties across the state

  • Table at other organizations’ events

  • And much more!

If you’re interested in being an ambassador click the button below.


Gifts, Grants and Scholarships Coming Your Way

We need your updated address! Mother’s day is coming.  We had some valentine cards returned to us.  if you got married, changed your name, address or phone number, we need to update your information.  


Scholarship opportunity for your kids - Foundation for the Restoration of America is partnering with Moms for Liberty to offer scholarships to high schoolers and current college students.  Find out more!  


Growing the Mission:  $1,000 Award Grant Program - We want to invest in helping you grow chapters in your state.  We know many of you work hard to reach people in other counties.  Sometimes those outreach events are costly.  This grant program can help!


March is Annual Dues Month

If your chapter collects dues as part of its membership structure, we ask that five dollars for each paying member be submitted to the National Organization.


Click here for the Annual Dues Report: https://portal.momsforliberty.org/forms/annual-dues-report/


If your chapter does not collect dues, you will not submit funds to National.


Endorsement Certification Challenge

Get certified today! Help your state move up in the rankings by getting your chapter certified in endorsements. It takes less than 30 minutes and is required for all chapters.


Check it out here: https://portal.momsforliberty.org/chapter-endorsements/


April Book Club

Indoctrinating Our Children to Death:
Government Schools’ War on Faith, Family, & Freedom – And How to Stop It


Building on over a decade of research and investigative reporting into the indoctrination, sexualization, and dumbing down of children, Alex Newman documents the untold history behind government education and its founders like nobody has ever done before.


Grab your copy today and be ready for another live and interactive session with the author on Monday, April 29th, 1 PM ET.


This is a members only event, accessed through the National Moms for Liberty Member Portal: https://portal.momsforliberty.org/member-exclusives/

For more information on this book, visit 
https://libertysentinel.org/savechildren/ or take it from two individuals we know and love:


Moms for Liberty Book Club

Monday, April 29
1 p.m. ET


Summit Info:

Updates for Summit Planning:


We are still working to secure funding for scholarships to Summit. They will be awarded on a first come-first-served basis as funds are available. Fill out your scholarship application NOW, to get your name in the cue.  

Hotel Rooms

Check the Summit website for hotel information. We have a room block with a discounted rate. We are aware that some of the room options are showing as SOLD OUT and we are working to expand the room block. Do not wait for your Scholarship to reserve your room. When scholarships are awarded, we can pull your room into our account so you won’t be charged. You can always cancel if need be.

Summit Site
Scholarship Form

If you don’t follow us on Social Media, you’re missing out!

Click the icon to find us!


It is time to WAKE UP the masses!  This is a great way for you to spread the news to America!  Watch, Listen AND SHARE!  Tiffany has been hosting the most amazing guests on the Joyful Warriors Podcast.  It's super easy to share to your social media pages, community pages, and emails.  You can share links from Youtube or your favorite podcast provider.  


Can Healthy Religion Help You Heal?

This week on the Joyful Warriors Podcast, cofounder Tiffany Justice sat down with Carrie Sheffield, author of "Motorhome Prophecies."


Sheffield tells her story of how healthy religion helped her heal on the journey of overcoming the effects of abusive religion.  


She also shares how you can help a child suffering from abuse.


Podcast Landing Page:

Want access to podcasts all in one place?

Check out the Joyful Warrior Podcast Page!


Joyful Warrior Podcast Page


We the Parents



Madison Minute


“Look around, look around, at how lucky we are to be alive right now.”
~ Elizabeth Hamilton



Upcoming Events!

New Chapter Orientation

April 2 at 10 AM
April 16 at 7 PM


Tech Time with Jade

April 8 at 7 PM
April 22 at 10 AM


Endorsement Edition with Jessica

April 9 at 8 PM


Chapter Compliance Webinar
April 3 at 7:30 PM
Bylaws, EIN & 8976, Chapter Dues, and 990N


All Member Trainings:

April 16th @ 7:00 PM EST | Legal Bootcamp 

April 29 at 1 PM EST April Book Club with Alex Newman  


National Chapter Chair Meetings

Every 3rd Thursday at 7:30 PM

April 18


State Leadership Trainings

Wisconsin, Illinois - April


Town Halls

North Carolina - April 17 (note change in date!)

NC Legislative Days - June 11


Winning Workshops

March 30th @ 10:00 AM EST | Winning Workshop: Grassroots Victory Strategies for Saving America - Dorchester County, SC

April 6th @ 10:00 AM EST | Winning Workshop: Grassroots Victory Strategies for Saving America - Washington County, RI

April 15th @ 1:00 PM CDT | Winning Workshop: Grassroots Victory Strategies for Saving America Session 1 - Linn County, IA

April 15th @ 6:00 PM CDT | Winning Workshop: Grassroots Victory Strategies for Saving America Session 2 - Linn County, IA

April 16th @ 6:00 PM CDT | Winning Workshop: Grassroots Victory Strategies for Saving America Session 1 - Polk, Warren, Dallas, Carroll Counties, IA

April 17th @ 6:00 PM CDT | Winning Workshop: Grassroots Victory Strategies for Saving America Session 2 - Polk, Warren, Dallas, Carroll Counties, IA


Joyful Warrior SUMMIT 2024

August 29-31- Registration Open 



August 31