Media Requests
As Chapter Chairs, you all do a wonderful job of making sure your local media is informed about the issues facing your schools and community. You are authorized to speak to local media about these issues. With the latest national news concerning parents being deemed as extremists, you have most likely already received requests from your local media for comment.
This issue is one that effects every parent in the nation who is standing up for parental rights. Therefore, we need a consistent and strong response. This needs to come directly from Tiffany and Tina, our co-founders. They have released the following statement:
“Two-thirds of Americans think the public education system is on the wrong track today. That is why our organization is devoted to empowering parents to be a part of their child’s public school education. That is our fundamental goal, which began just two years ago when teacher’s unions locked students out of schools during the pandemic.
Empowering parents continues to be our mission today and that has fueled our organization’s growth - like wildfire to now 45 states in the country. Name-calling parents who want to be a part of their child’s education as ‘hate groups’ or ‘bigoted’ just further exposes what this battle is all about: Who fundamentally gets to decide what is taught to our kids in school - parents or government employees?
We believe that parental rights do not stop at the classroom door and no amount of hate from groups like this is going to stop that.”