September 19, 2023

Chat With Pat:

Successful Meetings with Amy Snead

Chat with Pat Ep. 3 || How to Have a Successful Meeting

We have amazing Chapter Chairs.  This Chat with Pat episode is the beginning of a series of amazing ideas for how to plan and host a successful chapter meeting.  This week, join Amy Snead from Bedford, Virginia.  Stay tuned for more great tips from our amazing Chapter Chairs.


Major Game Changer!

We are proud to release the Moms for Liberty Campaign Kit. This revolutionary resource contains:

  • A Candidate Handbook covering campaign cycles, your campaign team, knowing your numbers, getting out the vote, fundraising, voter contact, messaging, and more

  • A Campaign Workbook, which facilitates setting fundraising, canvassing, and vote goals. Crafting budgets, platforms, and talking points. As well as tracking volunteers, timelines, and more

  • A Collateral Collection including templates to create campaign logos, yard signs, palm cards, mailers, postcards, and more

These game-changing resources are available for FREE to all members of Moms for Liberty! Learn more at:


September National Chapter Meeting

Exclusive event for chapter leaders only:  It is the Third Thursday of EVERY month. Join your fellow Chapter leaders from all over the country at our monthly National Chapter Meeting.  Chapter Chairs and Chapter Executive Board members are invited to attend.  

Event Page

If you were absent for the August meeting, you can still watch it for a limited time only…

Aug 2023 National Chapter Meeting

Summit Strategy Sessions Are HERE!!!

Do you know what the biggest complaint is about the Moms for Liberty National Summit?  There are too many awesome sessions for us to attend.  You can watch all the amazing strategy sessions from our website!  The Forsyth County, North Carolina Chapter listened to KrisAnne Hall’s lecture this week.  It was awesome.  Please go take advantage this amazing gift.


It is time to WAKE UP the masses!  This is a great way for you to spread the news to America!  Watch, Listen AND SHARE!  Tiffany has been hosting the most amazing guests on the Joyful Warriors Podcast.  It's super easy to share to your social media pages, community pages, and emails.  You can share links from Youtube or your favorite podcast provider.  

Teaching Our Kids to Love America, with Joni Bryan | Joyful Warrior Podcast

Teaching Our Kids to Love America, with Joni Bryan

The left is teaching children to hate America, so it's time that we do the opposite. On today's episode, Joni Bryan, found of the 917 Society, joins the show to discuss the importance of teaching our kids the Constitution and the good America stands for. The consequences we face if not doing so could be drastic. 

The Importance of Parent-Teacher Relationships, with Brooke Weiss | Joyful Warriors Podcast

The Importance of Parent-Teacher Relationships, with Brooke Weiss

On this week's episode, Brooke Weiss, a Moms for Liberty Chapter Chair, joins the show to discuss a recent victory in NC as the state passed the Parents Bill of Rights. Also, Brooke and Tiffany discuss the importance of parent-teacher relationships and how to make sure yours is a good one. 


Podcast Landing Page:

Want access to podcasts all in one place?

Check out the Joyful Warrior Podcast Page!


Joyful Warrior Podcast Page

New Merch Alert


Madison Minute

Photo Credit:  KrisAnne Hall:  Summit 2023


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