August 24, 2023

Chat With Pat:  See You At The Library

Chat with Pat Ep. 2 || Overcoming Venue Cancelations

Join Pat and Emily Jones (Madison, AL) to hear about how her Chapter library event turned into an exercise of faith, courage, and triumph!  Next week we will begin a new series:  5 Tips for Successful Meetings.  Don’t miss them!


Mark Your Calendars:  Summit 2024


New Tool:  Legal Incident Report

We have been working for months to find a way to effectively support our Chapters when they need to engage with the legal system.  Josh Findlay, our General Council, worked with National to put in place a reporting and processing system so we can be sure our chapters get as much help and support as we can provide. The form can be found on the Chapter Chair portal of the website. To learn more, watch the recording from our August National Chapter Meeting.


August National Chapter Meeting

ICYMI:  We have our National Chapter Chair Meetings every third Thursday at 7:30 p.m. eastern time.  This meeting is for Chapter Chairs and Board members. We encourage every chapter to attend! If you missed this month’s meeting you can watch it here:

Aug 2023 National Chapter Meeting

Please Share with your Chapter:

Save the date and join us for our first All Member Meeting happening next month! 
Links, details, and more info to follow. Become a member today so you can join in September 7th at 7:30 pm EST.


Constitution Challenge

To ensure the survival of America and see a future where her citizens thrive in a culture of liberty, I commit to reading the U.S. Constitution on or before September 17th.  Take the Constitution Challenge and find free resources for your family!


It is time to WAKE UP the masses!  This is a great way for you to spread the news to America!  Watch, Listen AND SHARE!  Tiffany has been hosting the most amazing guests on the Joyful Warriors Podcast.  It's super easy to share to your social media pages, community pages, and emails.  You can share links from Youtube or your favorite podcast provider.  

You Will Own Nothing, with Carol Roth | Joyful Warriors Podcast

You Will Own Nothing, with Carol Roth

On this week's episode, Carol Roth, author, entrepreneur, and TV personality, joins the show to discuss the future of American's finances and why the World Economic Forum and elites want Americans to own nothing.

Podcast Landing Page:

Want access to podcasts all in one place?

Check out the Joyful Warrior Podcast Page!


Joyful Warrior Podcast Page

New Merch Alert


Madison Minute