Thank you to all who came to our chapter meeting last week. We had a great discussion about running for school board. There are a few Action Items for this week.
- Write your senators and representatives about the Standards of Student Conduct
- School board meeting this Tuesday - register to speak, attend or watch online.
- Register to attend the NC Legislative Days next week. Please register by this Thursday.
In Liberty
Call to Action – HB188 Standards of Student Conduct
Poor student behavior is at an all-time high. Restorative practices do not work. We need real discipline brought back to school in the form of detention, in and out of school suspension, and expulsion. Bad behavior affects everyone in the classroom, including teachers and other students. This can lead to learning gaps at minimum and physical harm at maximum. Teachers need to be able to teach to the students that want to learn and succeed. Good teachers are leaving the profession because administrators are not dealing with behavior problems sufficiently.
- This bill has been sitting in the Senate Rules Committee since April 2023.
- We want it to be heard in committee, passed, then sent to the full Senate for a vote.
- The bill requires schools to have discipline policies in place and repeals the law encouraging schools to use a behavior management program.
- Send emails to Senate Rules Committee members:

WCPSS Board Meeting Tuesday, June 4th
Every first and third Tuesday, the WCPSS board meets to discuss the business of the school system. The next work session and board meeting will be Tuesday, June 4th and the next one will be June 18th. The agendas will be posted for both the work session and the main board meeting a few days before the meeting.
Please refer to the agenda for specifics, but here are a few highlights:
- Anti-Vaping presentation
- Public Comment
- Items to be voted on and approved: Many facility updates and improvements, Contracts, grants, and policies
If you would like to SIGN UP FOR PUBLIC COMMENT, sign up on the day of the meeting from 11:30am-4pm (online only). The link will be on the page when sign up is available.

Register TODAY for NC Legislative Days
Join us in Raleigh for NC Moms for Liberty Legislative Days June 11-12.
Tuesday, June 11th is an evening event with dinner and speakers; doors will open at 5:30 PM.
Kimberly Hermann with the Southeast Legal Foundation will speak about Title IX changes and the federal lawsuit we have filed against the Biden administration, how the changes affect women and girls, and what you can do. Joni Bryant with the 917 Society is joining us, and so are Pastor John Amanchakwu and our Director of National Engagement Tia Bess.
We will spend Wednesday, June 12th at the NC General Assembly. There will be a morning rally with Lt. Governor Mark K Robinson followed by tours, and meetings with legislators to discuss our legislative agenda.
Get your tickets now!

Wake County Public School System
Quick Links
Links to come popular or commonutly used reference regarding WCPSS

NC Department of Public Instruction
Quick Links
Links to come popular or commonutly used reference regarding the NC Deptartment of Publci Instruction.
