Chapter Meeting This Week!
Join us Wednesday, March 27 for our monthly chapter meeting. Do you have a friend or know a teacher? Invite them to attend as your guest!
Learning to be effective in advocating for your children is the first step in protecting your children and your parental rights.
Please register to attend to hear the amazing patriot, Guy R Smith. Guy is just an American Patriot, North Carolina Citizen, working every day to make a difference! Since 2011, Guy has been a very active “Concerned Citizen Lobbyist” who visits and communicates regularly with his Government Officials. Come to learn how you can be more effective in advocating for your children and grandchildren.
We will also discuss upcoming school board elections, the upcoming Town Hall and other business items.
- Date: Wednesday, March 27 from 6-8pm
- Location: To be announced
- Registration: Click here to register to attend. Registration is required as meeting details will only be released to registered attendees.

Local and State News
Giving Parents a Choice - National Town Hall
Next month, Moms for Liberty national will be hosting a Town Hall to bring together parents, educators, and policy makers to discuss the state of education in NC.
Please invite your child's principals and teachers, pastors and other community leaders! Tickets are limited so register today!

Women's History Month
March is Women’s Month. Thank you all Liberty Minded, Joyful Warrior Moms, Grandmas, and Aunts who Stand for Truth, Build Relationships and Empower Others. Here are a few of the infographics from national.

Join Us Today
Moms for Liberty is committed to safeguarding America by uniting, educating and empowering parents to defend their parental rights at all levels of government. We are a grassroots nonprofit organization of Moms, Dads, Aunts, Uncles, Grandparents and Community Members.
We have made significant strides, from distributing pocket constitutions, to advocating for the NC Parent’s Bill of Rights (S49). There is still much to accomplish, and we need your help.

Wake County Public School System
WCPSS Board Meeting and Proposed Budget
Every first and third Tuesday, the WCPSS board meets to discuss the business of the school system. The next work session and board meeting will be Tuesday, April 2. The agendas will be posted for both the work session and the main board meeting a few days before the meeting. It is expected that the discussion will continue regarding the superintendent’s proposed budget.
The proposed budget will increase the WCPSS total budget to $3.4 BILLION. Please write to the school board and attend the meetings during this time to provide feedback. Click HERE to review the proposed budget.
Proposed budget timeline
- April/May - School board discusses budget proposal and hosts public hearing
- May - Board approves budget proposal
- May 15 - Budget proposal delivered to County Commissioners for consideration
- May/June - County Commissioners consider budget proposal as part of their overall county budget discussions; public hearings held
- June - County Commissioners approve budget to include appropriations for WCPSS

Board Advisory Council Meetings
Each WCPSS District representative is to have at least one Board Advisory Committee meeting (BAC) per quarter. This is where school board representatives meet with “advisors” from each school in their district. BAC meetings are open to the public.
If you are able to attend, please let us know what topics were covered.
- District 1 (Caulfield) on 4/15 from 6pm at Lake Myra Elementary School
- District 8 (Mahaffey) on 4/22 from 6:30pm at Woods Creek Elementary School
Quick Links
Links to come popular or commonutly used reference regarding WCPSS

NC Department of Public Instruction
NCDPI Monthly Meeting
The NC State board of education is meeting April 3rd and 4th. These meetings typically run from 9am – 5pm and are viewable online. Agenda will be posted prioir to the meeting.
Quick Links
Links to come popular or commonutly used reference regarding the NC Deptartment of Publci Instruction.
