Los Angeles County Chapter


Santa Clarita, Calif.— September 15, 2023 The Executive Board for the Los Angeles County Chapter of Moms for Liberty is proud to announce our impending formation and launch as an official chapter of Moms for Liberty, Inc. We are a non-partisan group of Mothers, Fathers and Grandparents who are deeply concerned about their children’s education and safety in our schools. We are made up of men and women, Republicans and Democrats, atheists, Christians, Jews, Muslims and more. In alignment with the National Organization, our mission is to organize, empower, and educate parents to defend their parental rights at all levels of government. More information on how to join, volunteer and participate in our movement will be announced in the very near future. 


With the impending formation of our new chapter, it comes as no surprise that political players on the left have already begun their baseless and disgusting smear campaign against our chapter. We would encourage those players to take the time to review credible sources from non-biased outlets that cover our mission. We have yet to begin our official mission but have already been labeled as an “extremist hate group,” by these individuals. These activist groups have cherry picked incidents of guest speakers or individual members of another chapters. One such incident was a chapter in another state, who chose to quote Hitler during a meeting, in a misguided attempt to explain what some politicians on the left are trying to do in the school systems. The National Organization, along with the chapter that made that extremely poor decision have repeatedly apologized for these incidents and have pledged to never do this again. To that end, we would like to put this issue to bed for the last time and officially denounce Hitler and every word he ever spoke. That isolated incident is not a reflection of the organization or this chapter’s mission.


The Los Angeles County Chapter of Moms for Liberty will never condone, support, defend, or in any way offer sympathy, support, or any other form of endorsement of any form of racism, antisemitism, bigotry, and or hatred. We have never, nor will we ever work with left- or right-wing extremist groups like the “Proud Boys,” or far left groups and movements like “antifa,” or “black bloc,” and or any militia group.


At the time of, and prior to our official formation as an officially recognized Chapter of Moms for Liberty, our executive Board members have never organized, taken part in or supported violent protests. We have never used force or fear, or any other form of violent or extreme intimidation towards a group of people or individuals in any role, nor will we ever. These accusations are completely baseless and without any form of merit whatsoever.


The Los Angeles County Chapter of Moms for Liberty is not controlled by anyone individual or organization. We do not take orders from any outside organization or individual to perform certain tasks, favors, operations, etc., nor do we condone, support, or in any way, criminal behavior, violent acts of intimidation, bullying or harassment.


The Los Angeles County Chapter of Moms for Liberty would like to extend our hands of friendship to anyone who wishes to join us in our fight for parental rights and the safety of our children. Whether you are a Democrat, Republican, Libertarian or an independent, if you support parental rights for our children’s educational future, we will join hands with anyone. We would encourage our detractors to also reach out to us, so that we may have an actual conversation to address the concerns brought forward, rather than to disparage us behind our backs with sneaky, juvenile and hateful attacks.




For more information on Moms for Liberty, Los Angeles County:

Website: https://momsforliberty.org/chapters/los-angeles-county-ca/

Email:     [email protected]

Address:  26893 Bouquet Canyon Rd Unit #225

                Santa Clarita, Ca 91350