Welcome Candidates!
At Moms for Liberty, we understand the importance of having liberty-minded school boards throughout the country that are focused on defending parental rights and improving education. We hope to activate these types of people to public service.
Because this is an important way we fight for the survival of America, we have created a revolutionary Campaign Kit. The Kit empowers school board candidates to run and win by focusing on proven local-level campaign strategy that works. Most school board candidates are seeking office for the first time. Using our Campaign Kit, they can come to understand campaign cycles, perfect voter communication, and avoid the common pitfalls that tend to trip up new candidates.
Every child across America deserves access to a quality education. The decisions made by school board members play a crucial role in shaping the quality of that education. In our commitment to ensuring that education is guided by capable school board members, Moms for Liberty is pleased to provide this Campaign Kit free of charge to all our members.
The Candidate Handbook covers:
Campaign cycles, your campaign team, knowing your numbers, getting out the vote, fundraising, voter contact, messaging, and more!
The Campaign Workbook facilitates:
Setting fundraising, canvassing, and vote goals. Crafting budgets, platforms, and talking points. As well as tracking volunteers, timelines, and more!
The Collateral Collection includes:
Templates to create campaign logos, yard signs, palm cards, mailers, postcards, and more!
Download the Campaign Kit now by clicking here to join Moms for Liberty. Then log in and refresh this page before filling out the access form below.
Already filled out the form? Revisit the Kit here
Trouble accessing the Kit and already confirmed you are logged into the website? Click here.
Watch this episode of the Joyful Warrior Podcast with Marie Rogerson, Executive Director ofENDORSEMENTS
Chapters of Moms for Liberty issue endorsements in school board and elected superintendent races that fall within their geographic boundaries. In 2022, Moms for Liberty chapters endorsed over 500 candidates to empower their communities to know which candidates stand on the side of parental rights. Below are some frequently asked questions about our endorsement process as well as lists of endorsements for the year. Endorsement lists are updated periodically, please check back regularly.
Moms for Liberty Chapters only issue endorsements for candidates running for local school board and elected local Superintendent. We do not endorse in any other races.
We only endorse members of Moms for Liberty. At-large national membership is free. You can join by clicking below. If you are already a member, please ensure you're logged in before continuing.
An endorsement by Moms for Liberty is proven to increase turnout in a school board race by more than 10%. An endorsement from Moms for Liberty includes:
- Promotion and support from the members of your local Chapter
- Listing on our national website
- The potential for support from our PAC (this is not guaranteed, and PAC activity does NOT permit coordination with the candidate)
What do Moms for Liberty candidates believe?
They believe in our mission, vision, and values. The following stance statements reflect our beliefs. If you agree with these statements and are interested in an endorsement, read more about the process below.
The Process
If you have a chapter in your area...
Following the submission of this form, a member of your local Chapter will review your responses.
They will reach out for an interview if the Chapter is interested in proceeding with the endorsement process. If they proceed, an interview will be conducted by phone, video, or in person. After a successful interview, the Chapter membership must vote to recommend the candidate be endorsed. Endorsements are generally issued between the time that filing/qualification closes and when voting begins.
If you do not have a chapter in your area...
Moms for Liberty does not endorse in areas where a chapter has not been established. We appreciate your interest in seeking an endorsement and commend you for taking on the task of running for your local school board.
Please consider signing the Parent Pledge. Although this is not an endorsement, the Parent Pledge is a simple way to demonstrate your dedication to parental rights.
Find the Parent Pledge by clicking here.
Coming soon! |
*Disclaimer: This list is not exhaustive and may not include all endorsed candidates.
Moms for Liberty Chapters endorsed over 500 candidates.
76% of those were first-time candidates.
275 won their elections.
These election victories flipped more than 17 school boards to parental rights-supportive majorities.
Moms for Liberty win rates:
- 50%+ nationally
- 80% in Florida
- 59% in California
- 54% in Maryland
- 53% in New Jersey
- 62% in South Carolina
Whether you win or lose your school board race, the battle continues!
If you win your race, you are likely to receive an invitation from your state's School Board Association offering to train you. Many of these Associations foster the same woke propaganda Moms for Liberty is fighting against. Instead, consider seeking training from groups that align with your values.
The Leadership Institute has a New School Board Member Training Program. Reach out to them at [email protected] for more information.
If you run and the results don't go your way, you can still have a positive impact on your community's children by establishing a Moms for Liberty chapter and advocating for changes you would like to see. Click here to learn more about starting a Chapter of Moms for Liberty!