14:09 - Cathleen Daniels - Middle School Media Specialist against "book banning"
16:30 - Alison McGillivray Fernandez - Transparency & Millage Tax
19:44 - Kelly Carling - $9M Loss due to Mask Mandates & Petition
21:11 - Julie Gebhards - Book Challenge process and misinformation from SB & Inappropriate book "Push"
24:20 - Riley Gebhards - Inappropriate Book
26:03 - Noelle Oakman - Inappropriate book "Identical"
32:13 - Jacalyn Kirschner Muir - 7th Grade Sex Ed Lesson "Malik" & CRT Grant
35:25 - Elisabeth Thomas - $9M Funds Lost due to Mask Mandates
37:42 - Gwen Henderson - Jefferson HS Teacher - Micromanaging graduation by administrations
40:30 - Gaye Jones - Inappropriate book "Lucky"
43:40 - Alyssa Hines - Book Challenge process & questionable committee make-up
46:52 - Drew Lewis - Inappropriate books w/ excerpts