Wake County Public School System is currently the 15th largest school system in the US, with approximately 159,000 students enrolled in the network of 198 schools.

Did you know the 2022-23 North Carolina Dept of Public Instruction School Report Cards for Wake County show that children are not receiving the quality education they deserve? Over a third of students are not proficient in core subjects! 

  • 3rd grade – 8th grade Math – 36.9% students are not proficient
  • 3rd grade – 8th grade Reading – 39.1% students are not proficient

Moms for Liberty is committed to safeguarding America by uniting, educating and empowering parents to defend their parental rights at all levels of government. We are a grassroots nonprofit organization of Moms, Dads, Aunts, Uncles, Grandparents and Community Members.

We have made significant strides, from distributing pocket constitutions, to advocating for the NC Parent’s Bill of Rights (S49). There is still much to accomplish and we need your help.

Visit Moms for Liberty and click on JOIN THE FIGHT and select Wake County on the application: