Oct. 3, 2023

Bucks County, PA

Warminster, PA 18974

United States of America


Join us for our October membership meeting as we host Mark Houck, candidate for Congressional seat PA-01. We will be discussing parental rights and the state of public education. Members are encouraged to submit questions they would like answered during this town hall format meeting. 

Featured Speakers

Speaker: Mark Houck
Speaker Mark Houck
You probably recognize Mark's name from national news when he was acquitted of charges of violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act in February 2023. The FBI raided his home in the early morning hours aggressively arresting him in front of his wife and seven children taking him …

You probably recognize Mark's name from national news when he was acquitted of charges of violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act in February 2023. The FBI raided his home in the early morning hours aggressively arresting him in front of his wife and seven children taking him away in handcuffs for a alledge violation of the FACE ACT. That experience has influenced Mark to run for Congressional Seat PA-01. 

“I have seen first-hand what an out of control government can do to its citizens. I will fight to protect all people and their rights under God & our Constitution. My platform is based on common sense.” - Mark Houck

Full Description

Date and Time

Tue, Oct. 3, 2023

7 p.m. - 9 p.m.
(GMT-0400) US/Eastern


Bucks County, PA

Warminster, PA 18974

United States of America

IDS will be checked at the door. 

Event has ended