Thursday, August 10 2023

9:22 PM - 11:22 PM
Wednesday, Mar 22, 2023 9:22 p.m.
Multi-day Event
Community Services

Moms for Liberty Wayne County NY is looking for volunteers to knit, crochet or purchase mittens, gloves, hats and scarves for the next school year 2023-2024. Many times kids do not have these items to help keep them warm in the colder temperatures. 

We are asking for volunteers to either make or buy these items to be donated to kids and families living in Wayne County NY. 

Email [email protected] for more info, or contact us through our PO Box 225, Marion NY 14505.

10:30 PM - 4 AM
Wednesday, Aug 9, 2023 10:30 p.m.
Multi-day Event
Board Meeting

The Colorado School District 11 Board of Education will be conducting a Regular Board Meeting on August 9, 2023.
Call to order at 3:30 p.m., followed by an executive session.
The regular meeting will reconvene at 5:30 p.m.
Boardroom - Main Administration Building
1115 N. El Paso Street, Colorado Springs, CO 80903
The public is encouraged to participate remotely by watching the live-stream broadcast at:
Note: Click on the video icon on the top of the page the day of the meeting and it will take you directly to the live stream broadcast.
Live meetings are broadcast on Comcast Channel 881 HD, StratusIQ Channel 74 SD, and StratusIQ Fiber TV Channel 97 HD.
Board of Education Business Meeting Norms:
1. Be respectful
2. Be succinct
3. Start on time
4. No surprises
5. Accept board decisions with honor
6. Govern with the best available information
7. Presume goodwill
8. Act with integrity
9. Be prepared
11:30 PM - 4:30 AM
Thursday, Aug 10, 2023 11:30 p.m.
Multi-day Event
Board Meeting


Thank you for your interest in District 49 and addressing the Board of Education. The following policies and procedures will be followed for those persons requesting to make public comments.

  • Public comment is conducted during the Open Forum section of the agenda during regular and special meetings. 
  • An iPad will be available for individuals to sign up, one hour before the start of all regular school board meetings.

  • Please address the Board of Education in a courteous and respectful manner at all times. 
  • Person(s) submitting public comments will be allowed two (2) minutes. 
  • The Board shall limit the total length of public participation to thirty (30) minutes. 
  • Please note that the Board of Education’s policy is to withhold any formal response to public comments, although follow-up actions may be assigned to the Superintendent. 
  • The public may contact the Board of Education anytime by emailing Board members collectively,  [email protected] without participating in Open Forum.