We invite you to join Moms for Liberty of Tazewell County at Grassroots Rising: The Truth Revealed on Apil 27.
Moms for Liberty of Tazewell County is dedicated to the survival of America by unifying, educating and empowering parents to defend their parental rights at all levels of government.
- Our Library page on this website shows useful information for individuals ready to assume the responsibility to become a member of a school district board.
- Our Community Outreach page provides organizational information for each of the Tazewell County public school districts. This information will assist as we interact with these districts with support and accountability efforts.
- Our Why We Fight page on this website contains evidence that Parental Rights are under assault in Tazewell County and nearby communities.
We will be in the vendor area all day to explain our mission and to answer any questions you might have.
Please invite parents, grandparents, and community members that value parental rights.
We are stronger together!