Protect Female Students, Free Speech, and Parental Rights
Monday, May 20
6:30 PM
1320 West Main Street, Franklin
(Auditorium at the Williamson County Admin Building)
The entrance is on the northeast side of the building, identified by a concrete ramp to double doors.
The Biden Administration’s recent changes to Title IX harm females and violate free speech.
Male students who identify as female will have access to facilities designated as female-only spaces such as bathrooms, changing rooms, locker rooms, showers, and sleeping accommodations, and to participate in women’s sports and organizations.
Female athletes will be denied opportunities to join sports teams, win titles, and obtain athletic scholarships to compete and study at the collegiate level.
Students and teachers must submit to compelled speech rules and lose free speech protections.
Preregister for Public Comment
You must register online to speak at the school board meeting during public comment. Public comment occurs within the first thirty minutes of the meeting.
Sign up between Thursday, May 16, and noon Monday, May 20.
Email [email protected].
Provide the following information:
Your First and Last Name
Complete Address
Your Topic of Comment
Any Organization You Represent
After the district receives your email request to speak, you will receive a confirmation email. Bring the email to the meeting.
We Make it Simple With These Links
Template language to use in your message.
Ask the board to create a resolution similar to this template Resolution.
Inform the board that the changes should not be implemented because:
Numerous states, including Tennessee, have filed lawsuits against the Title IX changes.
Other states are taking action to halt implementation and we should follow their lead.
To learn more about the recent Title IX changes:
You can attend or watch the livestream here: