May 9, 2024



We have tools for parents and citizens to navigate the 2024 changes to Title IX:


It’s Teacher Appreciation Week

Show your teachers how much you appreciate all they do.  Check out and SHARE this video!


Drawing on his years in investigative journalism, author Luke Rosiak did a deep dive into school files, financial records, and parents’ stories to uncover why our public schools are failing our kids. Rigorous and deeply-researched, "Race to the Bottom" was the first comprehensive exposé of the way radical ideology and self-serving administrators are destroying academic quality in America’s K-12 schools.


This will be live and interactive, hosted by M4L co-founder Tiffany Justice.

Submit your questions to the author here by May 26th, 6 PM, if you would like to ask them live and in-person.


Book Club: Race To The Bottom

May 29 at 1 PM EST

Live Stream:


Do you have extensive experience with multiple social media platforms? Are you a great multitasker with high energy? Do you want to join the team standing up for kids and fighting for the future of our country? 

We need you!

You can learn more about the position and apply


917 is partnering with 917 Society again this year to provide Constitutions to our 8th grade students


Joni Bryan, Founder/Executive Director

The 917 Society  

Video Message!

The 917 Society is excited to partner with Moms for Liberty again this year to 

honor and celebrate Constitution Day in our 8th grade classrooms across America!

This year we plan to serve more public, private and homeschool students than ever, 

and you can choose the schools you wish to cover.


To order Constitutions for your schools, please:

Complete this form

Our database manager, Martha, will respond and give you the details with the schools, principal, address and # of 8th graders.


Thank you to all who completed the survey last year. We used the data to 

improve our services this year. We have added training videos of tips and 

suggestions to help with the distribution to schools on the Volunteer tab on 

the website.

  • We plan to have them shipped out to you in July in order for your volunteers to get them to the schools by Aug 31st, so teachers can plan their Constitution Day Celebration.

  • Free resources are available online.

  • and we are including more card inserts for each box that goes out this year letting teachers know about the classroom contest, scholarship program and free resources.

*You may also order Constitutions for other group or civic events. We ask for a suggested donation for those to reimburse our costs, so we can serve more students.


We encourage everyone to have a local Constitution Day Celebration like we do in Nashville. It can be as easy as hot dogs and ice cream in a local park. We have free resolutions you can print off our website to commemorate the day. 


The 917 Society team plans to be with you all in Washington DC for your Summit and look forward to meeting all of you joyful warriors! Thank you for joining with us in this important educational effort for our youth and our country!


Gifts, grants and scholarships coming your way

We need your updated address! Mother’s day is coming.  We had some valentine cards returned to us.  if you got married, changed your name, address or phone number, we need to update your information.  


Scholarship opportunity for your kids - Foundation for the Restoration of America is partnering with Moms for Liberty to offer scholarships to high schoolers and current college students.  Find out more!  


Growing the Mission:  $1,000 Award Grant Program - We want to invest in helping you grow chapters in your state.  We know many of you work hard to reach people in other counties.  Sometimes those outreach events are costly.  This grant program can help!


Endorsement certification challenge

Get certified today! Help your state move up in the rankings by getting your chapter certified in endorsements. It takes less than 30 minutes and is required for all chapters.


Check it out here:


Summit Info:

Updates for Summit Planning:


We are still working to secure funding for scholarships to Summit. They will be awarded on a first come-first-served basis as funds are available. Fill out your scholarship application NOW, to get your name in the cue.  

Hotel Rooms

Check the Summit website for hotel information. We have a room block with a discounted rate. We are aware that some of the room options are showing as SOLD OUT and we are working to expand the room block. Do not wait for your Scholarship to reserve your room. When scholarships are awarded, we can pull your room into our account so you won’t be charged. You can always cancel if need be.


If you don’t follow us on Social Media, you’re missing out!

Click the icon to find us!


It is time to WAKE UP the masses!  This is a great way for you to spread the news to America!  Watch, Listen AND SHARE!  Tiffany has been hosting the most amazing guests on the Joyful Warriors Podcast.  It's super easy to share to your social media pages, community pages, and emails.  You can share links from Youtube or your favorite podcast provider.  


Podcast Landing Page:

Want access to podcasts all in one place?

Check out the Joyful Warrior Podcast Page!



Madison Minute


“Always stand on principle,

even if you stand alone” 

~ John Adams


Upcoming Events!

New Chapter Orientation

May 21 at 7 PM ET


Endorsement Edition with Jessica

Introducing Endorsement Essentials. 
Check out these quick 1-2 minute videos where we dig into the endorsement process one bite at a time! Watch out for a
new episode every Monday.


Access all episodes on the Endorsement Essentials playlist:

All Member Meeting
May 20 at 7:30 PM EST


Book Club

May 29 at 1 PM EST May Book Club with Alex Newman  


National Chapter Chair Meetings

May 16 at 7:30 PM

Every 3rd Thursday at 7:30 PM


Member Exclusives:

May 14th at 7:30 PM EST | Safe Cell 1: The Dangers of Social Media in Schools | Almost every kid at school has a cell phone. Almost all of those cell phones are on social media.  K-12 School Resource Officer Gomez has seen a few things and has some words of wisdom for parents and educators.  


State Events

NC Legislative Days - June 11


Winning Workshops


Joyful Warrior SUMMIT 2024

August 29-31- Registration Open 



August 31