March 12, 2024


Moms for Liberty State Leadership Trainings


We are excited to announce that we will be ramping up our State Leadership Trainings for Chapter Chairs! Our goal is that every state will enjoy training every year! State Leadership Training is such a wonderful experience. The feedback we have gotten from our previous trainings prove that they are worth the investment of time, travel and resources. Trainings are open to the entire Chapter Executive Board. We bring National to you! This is a great opportunity for you to have our undivided attention, get help with things you struggle with, and learn some new things to help you be a better leader. The best part of State Leadership Training is getting the opportunity to hang out with your leaders from across your state and bask in the Joyful Warrior Energy we all bring to every event!  


Announcing: Training Specialist

Paige Miller


In order to reach all our states, every year, we had to expand our team. Our current  chapter support team will be part of the training team along with our new team member: Paige Miller. Paige is not new to Moms for Liberty. You all know her as the Chapter Chair for Hamilton County, Indiana. What you may not know is that she is also a former school teacher!  e are so excited that she agreed to share her skills with us.  


State Legislative Committees

At Moms for Liberty we fight for parental rights “at all levels of government.” What our Chapters do by focusing on local school boards has been a game changer for America. However, we have learned that sometimes, the policies that are harmful need to be changed at the state level. Moms for Liberty has developed the State Legislative Program to aid chapters in uniting with a collective voice. This amplifies your ability to get attention and action from legislators on issues that matter most to our future. If you do not have a State Legislative Committee in your state, there is no better time than the present to start learning about the program.  



Director of Policy & Legislative Affairs

Charlie Misseijer


Moms for Liberty currently has 17 official State Legislative Committees. We have never had someone solely focused on supporting this effort on the National team.  So, Tiffany and Tina went on the hunt for just the right person. They had hundreds of applicants. They interviewed scores of people multiple times. One person rose to the top.


Charlie Misseijer is a happily married father of eight and soon-to-be first-time grandfather (in June!) who describes himself as a freedom fighter for truth and from government interference. Charlie has a background in education, law and public policy. He’s uniquely positioned to work with our state legislative committees and state legislators to support, craft, and employ policies that respect and protect the rights of parents. He will help our legislative committees  support parents who know what’s best when it comes to their child’s education, while vociferously and strategically opposing policies and practices that seek to usurp those rights. Originally from Los Angeles, Charlie and his family now reside in South Carolina where they traded the sounds of LA traffic for the serenity of the mountains, lakes and rivers of the Upstate. 


Join Charlie, Tiffany and me as we “Chat” about his role with Moms for Liberty:

State Legislative Committees w/ Charlie || Chat With Pat Ep. 9
Email Charlie
Learn About Legislative Committee

All Member Book Club

Share with your Members!

Mark your calendars for our first M4L Book Club! 

You all got the book through the QR code last month. Now, it’s time to get it read and meet the author at a lunchtime virtual event. 


MONDAY, March 25 at 1PM ET
Covering “Bad Therapy: Why the Kids Aren’t Growing Up”
Hosted by: Tiffany Justice


Event Grants!

Moms for Liberty National wants to invest in helping you GROW! When you find opportunities to participate in events in your area, or in surrounding areas in your state, you can now apply for a GRANT to cover the cost! This way you can meet more people and help them join chapters or start a new chapter.

Event Grant Request Form



Chapter Chairs are given FREE name tags as a reward for launching your Chapter.  After you have attended New Chapter Orientation and gotten your organization legal, we will send all Chapter Chairs a FREE Name tag.  


Many of you have asked to order name tags for your Executive Board that match yours. Ask no more!! Name Tag ordering is here!


Summit Info:

Updates for Summit Planning:


We are still working to secure funding for scholarships to Summit. They will be awarded on a first come-first-served basis as funds are available. Fill out your scholarship application NOW, to get your name in the cue.  

Hotel Rooms

Check the Summit website for hotel information. We have a room block with a discounted rate. We are aware that some of the room options are showing as SOLD OUT and we are working to expand the room block. Do not wait for your Scholarship to reserve your room. When scholarships are awarded, we can pull your room into our account so you won’t be charged. You can always cancel if need be.

Summit Site
Scholarship Form

If you don’t follow us on Social Media, you’re missing out!

Click the icon to find us!


It is time to WAKE UP the masses!  This is a great way for you to spread the news to America!  Watch, Listen AND SHARE!  Tiffany has been hosting the most amazing guests on the Joyful Warriors Podcast.  It's super easy to share to your social media pages, community pages, and emails.  You can share links from Youtube or your favorite podcast provider.  

Should Gov't Ban Children From Social Media? | Joyful Warriors Podcast

Should Gov't Ban Children From Social Media?

Should kids under 16 be banned from social media? Some state representatives in Florida think so with the proposed 'Social Media Use for Minors' Act. So, on today's episode, we're digging into this question.


Joining today is Greg Aguirre, a Florida dad and entrepreneur who shares his thoughts gov't overstep into parental rights; and James Czerniawski, Senior Policy Analyst at Americans for Prosperity, who explains some rather large cons this policy brings with it.

Podcast Landing Page:

Want access to podcasts all in one place?

Check out the Joyful Warrior Podcast Page!


Joyful Warrior Podcast Page


We the Parents



Madison Minute


I am determined to be cheerful and happy in whatever situation I may find myself. For I have learned that the greater part of our misery or unhappiness is determined not by our circumstance but by our disposition.


~Martha Washington



New Chapter Orientation

March 19 - 7 PM

April 2 - 10 AM


Tech Time with Jade

March 25 - 10 AM

April 8 - 7 PM


Endorsement Edition with Jessica

March 18 - 8 PM

April 9 - 8 PM


All Member Trainings:

Book Club - Members Only - March 25 - 1 PM


National Chapter Chair Meetings

Every 3rd Thursday 7:30 PM

March  21


Winning Workshops

March 2 Dallas TX

March 11 Otter Tail MN

March 12 St Louis MN

March 13 Dakota MN

March 14 Polk/St Croix WI

March 15 Wood/Marathon WI


State Leadership Trainings

Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts - March 15 -16

Wisconsin, Illinois - April


Town Halls

North Carolina - April 17

NC Legislative Days - June 11


Joyful Warrior SUMMIT 2024

August 29-31- Registration Open 



August 31