Upcoming Meetings and Events

📅See You At The Library Story Hour  8/24/24 2PM Moose Room Loussac Library

📅ASD School Board Meetings 9/3/24 and 9/17/24 6PM 5530 E Northern Lights Blvd.

📅M4L Anchorage Chapter Meeting 9/12/24 6PM @ The Workshop - 1120 Huffman Rd., Ste. 11


Hello Joyful Warrior,

Tomorrow is See You At The Library story hour! Whether you've got kids or you're a kid at heart, join us at 2 PM in the Moose Room at Loussac Library for this fun free event. Moms For Liberty Anchorage partners with Kirk Cameron's Brave Books to deliver engaging activities and wholesome stories for the whole family.

Free speech concerns paused a vote in "updating" ASD's bullying policy, but likely not for long. Click here for details. Call and email the board with your concerns about this haphazzard edit. Then join us at the next school board meeting, September 3rd and/or the 17th. You can talk about anything for three minutes. Use that voice!

Constitution Day is September 17th and we are excited to partner with 917 Society to deliver pocket Constitutions to every 8th grader in the Anchorage area. Many hands make light work and we could use yours. There are 29 schools with 8th graders and 3,200 Constitutions to give out with exciting curriculm ideas for teachers to make celebrating Constitution Day fun and educational. Email [email protected] to find out more and be a part of this incredible project. It's a two hour commitment with a lot of reward.

Our next chapter meeting is 6 PM, Thursday, September 12 at The Workshop - 1120 Huffman Rd., Ste. 11. Come to learn and connect, leave united and empowered. Until then, follow us on Facebook by clicking here. Join Moms For Liberty here.

See you soon!