Moms for Liberty chapter officer Aly Warner, from left, speaks with David McCormick, Republican candidate for U.S. Senate, and Betsy DeVos, the former U.S. secretary of education. 

Besty DeVos espoused her opposition Wednesday to gender-neutral bathrooms in schools, her opposition to trans students participating in high school sports with others in their preferred gender, and her opposition to what she called the public school system’s “monopoly” over education.

The controversial U.S. education secretary under former President Donald Trump told about 40 participants in a forum at The Phoenix banquet hall in Nazareth that ideologues have “hijacked” the education system from parents, that teachers unions hold too much sway over schools, and that competition and school choice are the answers to improving education.

“I believe the federal government has very little role, frankly, in education,” she said during a stump visit for U.S. Senate candidate David McCormick, a Republican, who also took part in the forum.

Northampton County’s Moms for Liberty chapter invited DeVos and McCormick to discuss education, according to local chapter officer Aly Warner. DeVos is polarizing, which isn’t all bad, according to Warner.

“One of my favorite descriptors of Betsy is ‘disruptor,’” Warner said.


Betsy DeVos and Moms for Liberty