A July ruling by a federal judge in Kansas could block hundreds of schools in Pennsylvania from implementing new rules prohibiting sex-based discrimination taking effect this month.

The preliminary injunction issued near the end of last month blocks Title IX changes that were to begin on Aug. 1 in four states as well as thousands of public schools where Moms For Liberty and two other conservative groups claim children of their members attend.

Moms For Liberty submitted a list of about 118 schools in at least 50 school districts across Pennsylvania, including all seven schools in Central York, York County; all five schools of the Gettysburg Area School district, in Adams County; and five schools in the Pocono Mountain School District, Monroe County.   

The Biden Administration issued a set of changes to the 1972 federal anti-discrimination law in April that included expanding the definition of sex-based discrimination to include discrimination based on gender identity, sexual orientation, gender stereotypes and pregnancy.

One result of those expansions would mean that schools would have to allow transgender and gender non-conforming students to use restrooms and locker rooms that align with their gender identity, the focus of a major culture war across Pennsylvania and the country. 

The new rules incensed conservatives and far-right groups across the country, leading to multiple legal challenges and even legislative changes in some states.

Where are the impacted schools in Pa.?

Part of the ruling from U.S. District Court Judge John Broomes, appointed by former President Donald Trump, required Moms For Liberty, Young America’s Foundation and Female Athletes United to submit a list of where their members have children enrolled.